Happy Birthday

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As I try to wake up, the sun blinds me. I scrunch my eyes hard before rubbing them. I feel an arm rested around my waist.


I turn my head to see that he is still sleeping. I roll out of bed the best I can and move to the bathroom. I could not help but notice my reflection in the mirror. I have purple bruises all around the right side of my neck and collar bone. I rinsed water on my face and over the bruises and jumped when I feel someone watching me. I turned to face him.

He smiles.

I could not stand to look in the mirror anymore and stared at him. He did not bulge or say one word. His facial expression was enough for me to read.

"Could you at least say something?" My tone coming off a little harsh.
His mouth opening and closing but silence.
I roll my eyes and grabbed a towel to dry my face. I made my way to the kitchen. 

I start slicing up apples and other fruits that seem to sound good to make a smoothie. Chris sits at the table and puts his head in his hands. 

Another awkward moment of silence passes when I decided to break it. 

"I would like for you to say something. I understand that what we did last night went too far, but I think we both know that it won't happen again." I spit out. 

He looks up at me and furrowed his eyebrows. It almost seems like he was going to say something but he does not.

I turn on the blender. The loud noise distracting me from the constant silence. Chris gets up from his chair and walks over to me and turns off the blender.

"I am sorry." He whispers.

"Why are you apologizing? Is that what you think I want to hear?" Chris is taken back that I have an attitude. 

He shrugs, "I don't know."

"Don't say things you don't mean, Chris." I turn the blender back on and he quickly turns it off.

"What? Like how last night you told me you loved me?" His voiced raised.

"You said you loved me first." I reminded him.

"Yes. Because I meant it. I do love you more than anything."

"No, you love me. You're not in love with me. There is a difference."

"Why can't you just accept the fact that I want to be with you?"

"Because you only want to be with me because I got pregnant."

Chris rolled his eyes and sucked his teeth, "Nah, that's not true and you know it."

"Do I? Be honest. If I wasn't pregnant with your kid, would you have told me you were in love with me? If I had said no to having your kid, would you have made the first move?" My eyes stung a little bit. 

I was trying to fight back these tears that started to roll down my cheeks but couldn't. Chris lowered his head, almost as if he was ashamed. He reached up to wipe away my tears. I moved his hand away.

"No", was all I could manage. I used my arm to wipe my tears and turned the blender back on. 

Chris let out a big sigh and turned it off.

"Could you stop? I'm trying to make a smoothie." 

"I would still love you no matter what answer you gave me because I trust you. I trust you to have my kid because I know you and I love you." He leaned down and kissed me on the forehead.

More tears fell from my eyes. "That was nice of you to say," I laughed.

"Now, leave me alone so I can make my smoothie."

Chris places his hands around my waist and on to my stomach. He rubs it and I hum at how amazing it feels. 

"Can you make me one too? Without apples?" He kissed my cheek as he went to the refrigerator to get milk.

I felt something warm slide down my leg. I moved a little and feel a bit of discomfort. I reach down between my legs and my pants are damped. I looked down and see a little puddle on the floor. 

"Shit." I curse under my breath.

"What's wrong?" Chris looks in my direction.

"We need to go to the hospital." I start walking to the living room and pick up an emergency bag. These emergency bags Chris and I made for when we would need to go to the hospital to deliver the baby. It has baby clothes and blankets, even a few snacks. 

"Why? What's wrong? Why is the floor wet?" He questions.

"My water broke you, idiot." I grabbed the keys off the table and start making my way towards Chris. I hand him the keys. His eyes look like they are about to pop out of his head. 


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