Loved him

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Hi my name is Ariana Grande and I am 16 years old I go to school at Riverway High School.weird name right? anywhy i have a bestfriend and her name is Alexa i love her so much she loved me as a sister. I like someone at my school he is so perfect and im just a simple girl,skinny and ugly and i hate it.

Ariana's Pov.

'Ariana i love you so much' Zayn said

I was shocked when he leaned in and kissed me.I cant help but kissed him back eyes closed then a rude ringing sound interrapted us. I groan and open up my eyes.

'Ugh I was only dreaming!' I signed.

I look at the time 'shit Im going to be late again' I said. I run to the bathroom to take a shower,while I was showering mom calls up my name and said 'sweetheart come-on hurry up your going to be late again' 'yes mom' I signed. I got out of the shower and put the towel at my body. I brushed my teeth and put some light make up like pink lip gloss and blush on. I quickly go to my cabinet and get some clothes. Im going to wear white crop top that says ' Loved him',black skinnie jeans and a high heels I let my hair down since i dont do that. I rushed dowstair,get my breakfast and kissed my mom and say goodbye.

Zayn's Pov.

'Ariana I love you so much' I said what the hell did i just said.

I was shocked when i leaned in and kissed her and then she kissed back.I suddenly wake up 'Fuck! Thank god it was only a dream. I pant 'I hate that girl' I mumbled. I run to the bathroom to take a shower when I was done I wrap the towel around my waist. I brushes my teeth and get my gels from the cabinet and spread some on my hair when I did a perfect quiff I shouted 'hell yeah!' I winked at the guy at the mirror. I get my clothes and im wearing a white crop top that says 'Loved her',black skinnie jeans,converse, and jacket. I

Headed downstair I eat my breakfast and say bye to mom and dad. I get to my car and started it. While droving to school I saw a girl with velvet red hair my car stopped near her 'hey come im gonna drive you at school I said 'Really?' she asked ' yep' i said when I look at her oh great its Ariana shes the girl at my dream that I kissed. Ew it makes me shiver when Im thinking about that. I look at her she was smiling brightly showing her one dimple her brown big eyes shone bright like a diamond when sunlight spotted it.

She looks at me with one of her eyebrow raising.God thats cute 'huh?' she said ' nothing...oh looook we got the same crop top what a coincidence of are clothes'I answered fast.what am I thinking I dont like her shes not beautiful i said to myself as I continue driving.

Ariana's Pov.

I was walking to school when something caught my attention a car got near me I got scared but when I hear the boy voice I smiled it was Zayn 'hey come im gonna drive you at school' he said 'Really?' I askes 'yep' he said I entered his car he was looking at me while driving. I raised my one eyebrow at him.I heard him mumbled something so i ask 'huh?' 'Nothing...oh looook we got the same crop top what a coincidence of are clothes' he answered fast he continued driving.I stayed quite while inside his car. After a minute ago we arrived.I got out and smiled 'thanks zayn' ' your welcome' he said with a serious face.

Zayn's Pov.

After a few hours of driving we finallly arrived. She got out and smiled 'Thanks Zayn' 'your welcome' I answer back with a serious face I dont wanna see her again I hate her so much.I got out and goes to my locker and then I saw my lads 'Hey Zaynie' says Louis 'Ey Zen' said Liam 'Hi boo bear' both Harry and Niall said in unison.' Hey lads how are you all?' I said

(H-Harry L-Louis Li-Liam N-Niall Z-Zayn)

N: Doin' good you?

L: Same.

Li: Very Great I met a beautiful girl.

H: Yeah me too by the way dude what are you doing with that girl?

Harry pointed at Ariana

Z: Uh..Yeah about that Im driving when I saw her I thought one of the hot girls here when i look at her I was shocked that it was her i cant say 'no' anymore..and do you know that she was in my dream? And...and we have the same crop top mine says 'Loved her' hers is 'Loved him' I said panting.

'Oooh' they all said in unison,smirking

H: Oooh they said when people got the same clothes and they are in eachothers dream...that is the great start for you two. Harry said with grin on his face.

Z: w-what? no and besides we dont even know if she gets the same dream and I dont fucking like her shes so ugly!

Li: well what's the dream?

I tell them the dream and they are laughing at me ' oh comeon guys' I said

The Bell Rang

' Let's go!' I said running to go to my classroom not getting late.As I enter I smiled cause im not late cause evertime i talk to the lads I got late to my class.I seat at my chair comfortably

Ok class is all done well when class is done me and the lads usually goes to the library to relax.

Ariana's Pov.

The class is now done. Well i usually wrote a letter for Zayn saying how much I love him even his breaking my heart. As I was done I run to go to the library cause I know where he goes when the class is done. As I entered I saw him reading something but i dont care ' Hey Zayn' I whisper/shout ' Oh hey' he quickly hide some papers that he was reading and stand up to go near me I smiled and give him the letter..His face got red again he clenches his jaw he throw the paper away. I smiles at him and walk away.I just closed my eyes while walking to stop the tears from flowing I suddenly bumped to Perrie.Perrie the hot girl in this school.I fall to the ground I quickly stand up ' Im sorry perrie' I said I look at her and then she slapped me ' WHY AREN'T YOU LOOKING AT WHERE YOU GOING?!BITCH!!' she shouted and slapped me again I just broke down crying Zayn came running here 'Hey Perrie?! What did you do?!' He asked angry but calmly ' I slapped her! She deserved it shes not looking where she was going!'she shouted 'That's it? You should not did it! Its a simple thing and she even say sorry to you right? And shes the one who fall why are you the one whose mad?' Zayn shouted.

Perrie runs away 'And you why do you need to close your eyes when your walking?! NOOB!' He spat to me. I run crying

Zayn's Pov.

As we were relaxing, I decided to read some of those letter from Ariana...When Ariana give me some letters I usually throw them away and then when she leaves, l get it and reads it...'Okay last one' I signed.As I was reading I heard someone 'Hey Zayn' she whisper/shout I look at her and it was Ariana 'Oh hey' I said. I got up and goes near her she smiles and give me a letter I clenches my jaw and throws the paper away..she just smile and walk away..Ok? She didn't even cry..just OK

End of the chapter 1

Hey Guys Im a Fan of Zariana i ship them.And sorry for my wrong grammar,and this is my first book btw I hope you guys love it :)

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