Why Him?

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Hey guys I write the part 2 again because I think I deleted it. So this is the Part 2. I changed some things.
Comment if I have double part 2 thanks.

Ariana's Pov


'And you! Why do you need to close your eyes when your walking?!NOOB!' Zayn spat at me I just run away crying..As I was running I bumped on one of the lockers 'Shit! That hurts' I said then I realize I wasn't crying anymore..I sat down next to the locker I just got bumped with. Tears filled my eyes when i remember what Zayn said to me.I know its just a simple thing but for me It hurts alot..'W-why does h-e have t-to s-say that?!' I cried.After a minute of crying I stands up and walked home when I reach my house I just run to my room and broke down crying.

Zayn's Pov

'And you! Why do you have to close your eyes when your walking?!NOOB!' I spat at her..After I said that She runs away crying. I followed her..As I was following her I saw that she bumped on my locker I laughed at her quitely 'Shit! That hurts!' She yell in pain. She sits down next to my locker in a minute she began to cry again 'W-why does h-he have t-to s-say that?' she cried as she said that I felt bad But its her fault.After A few minutes she stands up and walked home. I laughed as I saw that her head leaves a mark on my locker.I drove home as I got home I rushed upstairs to take asleep I'm so tired.

Ariana's Pov.

'W-why him?! T-theres so m-many b-boys out t-there! W-why is h-he the one I l-love?!' I cried.I look at the clock its only 3:01 so I decided to text Alexa my bestfriend 'Hey Bæ, Lets go meet at starbucks, at 6' I press the 'send' button. After I send the text I fall asleep.

'Ari-' I cut Zayn off by slapping him.

I tried to walk away but he grabs my wrist and made me to face him.I look at his eyes its full of hurt and tears.

'I'm so sorry Ariana, I shouldn't have said those words to you' He said .

'Forgive me? Please?' He asked. I just smiled at him.He leaned in and kissed me in passion his arms is around my waist and mine is around his neck..He licks my bottom lip asking for entrance and as I let him he deepen the kiss then I woke up.

'What the hell! That dream is so cool!' I signed. I get to my closet and saw blue crop top, high waisted jeans and a beige heels. I wear it,as I was done I did my hair in high pony tail. I brushed my teeth,put some pink lip gloss and some light more make up.' Hey get ready'I send the text to Alexa.

Zayn's Pov.

I woke up happily and I dont know why!I rushed downstairs and eat watever was in the fridge. I go to my room and got some clothes to wear its a white crop top,black jeans and black Keds. I did my hair,brushed my teeth and rushed downstair. I said my goodbyes to mom and my sisters. I got in on my car and drove to mall. Im going to buy toys for Safaa, for Waliyha some clothes and for Doniya some clothes too. As I got to the mall there are so many people waiting because the mall is not open..So I waited for it to open, well its only 6:33 im going to wait.

Alexa's Pov.

'Stop it Li!' I yelled to Liam. He's been looking at my phone because Harry is texting me.Liam is my boyfriend

My phone rings,Someone texted me before I could grab it Liam is already reading it 'Its Harry he said Hey get ready' he said. I rushed outside and go to Harry's house. As I get there I saw Harry watching tv I got inside and greeted him' Hey babe' I said and kissed his neck. He turned around and put his arms around my waist mine is around his neck. 'Hey baby' He kissed me passionately then it turned to a make out. He then kissed my jaw down to my shoulder I moan in pleasure. He then removes his shirt,my shirt and we are now naked. He carried me to the couch and got above me. ' I love you babe' I moan. He put his length inside of me. I keep on moaning and every moan I made he made it more faster.Well I know that Ariana is the one who texted me but I just wanna see Harry.

Liam's Pov.

She rushed outside after I told heemr that Ariana texted her I mean Harry. Im going to punch her If I caught her cheating on me.

Ariana's Pov.

I been waiting here for so long but still no Alexa I left the house at 6 and now its 9. Im going to wait some more minute

Zayn Pov.

I decided to go to starbucks because until now the mall is still not open.I got inside and order some drinks. I finished my drink I got outside while Im walking to go to my car I reach my phone its now 9.

Ariana's Pov.

After waiting for more minutes, I decided to go home as I was walking ofcourse checking on my phone if I got texts or calls but no. I bumped into someone and its so hard that it made me fall above him and my lips is touching his. I quickly look up and its......

End of the chapter 2
I hope you like it

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