I Just Kissed Him

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Eeek I still dont know if I have double chapter 2. No one commented. Well its okay Im just going to continue.

Ariana's Pov.

While I was walking I bumped into someone..The bump is so hard that it makes me fall to the ground.Oh.No. I mean it makes me fall above HIM! And my lips is touching his lips. O My God I can feel sparks!! Who is this guy?! I quickly look up to see who it was..It was


As I stand up he stands up too.' O My God Im sorr-' Before I could finish my sentence he kissed me, OMFG!! Is this real?! Am I dreaming again?!.Ofcourse I kissed him back. Few more minutes He pulled away ' Its okay I wasn't looking where I was going' he said 'Uh...um...why did you kiss me?' I asked nervously 'Oh yeah, actually that was my first kiss' he laughed nervously..What?! Hes first kiss is me?! Omg, before I could speak he already speak 'You know I dont want my first kiss to be a accident AND I feel bad saying some bad things to you when were at school, so I kissed you to make you feel better...Im sorry again' He said

'Uh Okay I forgive you' I said hugging him 'Oops I forgot! Its our graduation tomorrow' He said biting his lip O my god stop doing that it makes me wanna kiss you again!! 'Ah oh,yeah!' I said 'But remember I still didnt like you' he frown ' Okay' I said. We said our goodbyes to eachother.

Zayn's Pov.

Oh nice I bumped into someone making HER to fall above me AND making my lips to touch her lips.She has red velvet hair,Hmm she quickly look up and reveals her big beautiful brown eyes. Oh god!! Its Ariana.Oh God what am I gonna do!! This is my first kiss! Im gonna make it perfect.

She quickly stands up and I also did.'O My God Im sorr-' I cut her off by pressing my lips to her.I guess she was shock because her eyes are wide open but she kissed back in a few minutes of being shocked. After some minutes I pulled away 'Its okay I wasn't looking at where I was going' I said 'Uh...um...why did you kiss me?' She asked nervously, Oh God what am I going to say?! I guess Im going to tell the truth 'Oh yeah, actually that was my first kiss' I laughed nervously, shes about to speak but I already cut her off 'You know I dont want my first kiss to be a accident AND I feel bad saying some bad things to you when were at school, so I kissed you to make you feel better... Im sorry again' I said smiling

'Uh okay I forgive you' she said hugging me. Omg things are getting awkward I need to say something to make this conversation stop, but what?! Zayn think! Think! Oh yeah! The graduation is tomorrow! 'Oops I forgot! Its our graduation tomorrow' I said bitting my lips 'And I need to sleep now to forget what happen this day' I mumble but I guess she doesn't heard it 'Ah oh, yeah!' she said 'But remember I still didn't like you' I frown 'Okay' she said. We said our goodbyes to each other.

Alexa's Pov.

I am sitting on the couch watching tv 'Oh hell! I forgot Liam! Harry Im going now!- I quickly stand up 'Bye!' I got outside then drove home.

As I got home I saw Liam sitting on the couch watching tv 'Hey babe!' I greeted him 'What take you so long?!' He asked angry? pissed? Whats wrong with him? 'ANSWER ME!!' He shouted 'Oh we wait for the mall to go open' I said nervously. He stands up and look at me 'What's that red marks on your neck? He asked 'Oh! That's a...um..Ant! Ant bite' I exclaim 'K' all he said..

Liam's Pov.

Is she an Idiot? A ant bite? 'K' Was all I said. I rushed upstairs..Im gonna do something...I know shes cheating..

Harry's Pov.

As Alexa leaves..I quickly got my phone and texted Liam saying 'She really accepts it..We had sex and he didn't even complain..Im sure she's cheating on other guys too' I press the 'send' button.I rushes upstairs to have some sleep.

Ariana's Pov.

As I got home I get to my room and lay on the bed not thinking of changing clothes 'What a great day!' I exclaim 'Oh Alexa! She made me wait but if she come early maybe me and Zayn wouldn't kiss, But still! I got my phone and texted her

'Hey! You made me wait! You didn't even text me that you're not coming! I hate you!' I send it to her. After I set my alarm I got ready to sleep.. I cant get Zayn out of my head, That kiss, Omfg It was so awesome.

Zayn's Pov.

I lay on my bed thinking about Ariana, her beautiful big brown eyes, her perfect red velvet hair and her kissable lips, Heck! What am I thinking? No! No! Im not falling for her! Think about something else Zayn!

I decided to text Alexa, my bestfriend

'Hey bestie! Do you have Ariana's number?' I pressed the send button

Oh hell! Did I really send that?After a few minutes she texted back

'Yep! Ill send it to you :)' I smiled widely when I saw the text..As I got her number I quickly texted her

'Hi Ariana! What's up? Are you already sleeping? If I woke you up, Im really sorry ;)' I send it smiling widely. I put my phone down then I just fell asleep.

Alexa's Pov.

Zayn texted me OMFG!!My bestfriend!! The text says 'Hey bestie! Do you have Ariana's number?' I smile as I read the text. I text him back with 'Yep! Ill send it to you' After I texted him I quickly send him Ariana's number.

Liam's Pov.

Harry just texted me and I now know...'Do you gave her a hickie?' I texted him back..Just a few minutes, He texted back and it says 'Nope!' Hmmm who gave her that? I will know tomorrow..

Ariana's Pov.

I woke up because of my phone's ringtone, I checked my phone and saw that there's a message from a unknown number, and it says 'Hi Ariana! What's up? Are you already sleeping? If I woke you up, I'm really sorry' 'Hi? Who are you?' After I have done texting I decided to change the 'Unknown Number' to 'IDK'. After a few minutes theres another text from a unknown number and it says 'Meet me at the park after the graduation ;)' I have a confuse look now 'Are you one of my classmates?' I pressed the 'send' button. I checked my twitter and I have a new follower,I click it and saw that my new follower is....

End of the chapter 3
After the graduation will be long

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2015 ⏰

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