chapter swag

219 4 1

Anikans P.O.V

*beep* *beep* *beep*  "ugggghhhh" I groaned . It's 6 am way to early to get up.  I slammed my fist on the snooze button and rolled over. "Anikan!!" my mom yelled up the stairs.  "What?!?" I yelled back. "Get dressed or you'll be late for school" she screamed. I hate her I thought to my self.  Today was dress up day at my school and I decided to wear my dad's old Darth Vader costume.  He was obsessed with the movies "star wars" what a joke I thought with a smile.  My friends Ash and Kevin are always raving about that movie. They walk up to me and make a claw with their hand and say,  use the force. Idk.  I got my costume on and I looked in the mirror I looked fresh. My family was poor but my dad worked for the military so we had some money. 

That's how I have this boss costume. I ran down stairs grabbed a bag of mini muffins from my cupboard and ran to the bus stop. When I got their I saw that ash and kevin were dressed as clone troopers (yes I've seen the movie)  obi-wan dressed as yoda, rex was dressed as a t-Rex (he didn't get the memo)  fives was dressed as a hand (high 5 lol) and echo was dressed as scream. I turned to echo and was like "due why the freak are you wearing that? " he was looking like why is you up in my grill gods and said "cause when the scream kills someone all that you hear are the echoes of their screams gawd"

"Ok geesh" I replied. As the bus rolled up to the stop I could hear the kids screaming,  "RAP BATTLE! " "oh no not again. " ash muttered. "I think its hilarious" Kevin said laughing.  I stepped on the bus and almost fell over.  the kids having the battle was the biggest nerd ever, Brian and the baddest kid in high school mads. I sat down in my seat to listen to the battle.  Brian started;  my name is Brian/my lyrics are flying/better stop now before you start crying/the more the sith lord frys/the more you crys/I may suck /but at least I don't look like a duck.  A bunch of kids went ooooooooooooohh. I rolled my eyes that was terrible. I started to tune out until I herd mads start this may get better I thought. Just then the bus driver turned around and said "ok battle over settle down now". Every one turned into their seats and plugged their ear buds in.  I looked at my iPhone and saw that it was 7:20. Ten more mins till we get to school.  Rex leaned over the top of the chair and whispered "babe alert" I looked up and saw the head cheerleader and gem of the school, padme.  She was beautiful.

  Golden brown hair. Chocolate brown eyes and a nice butt.  As she walked down the aisle I grabbed her waist she said "back off perv." and shoved me off. I was stunned nobody shoved me "what gives" I yelled at her. "Anikan you're so immature. What gives?  Really?  Grow up" she told me. "You wanna go?!?!" I screamed. "Nah I don't fight little girls. " she replied teasingly.  I sneered. This girl with be the death of me I thought.  "Whatever" i growled. As I got on of the bus I turned to padme and pulled out my plastic light saber and said, "I challenge thee to a duel! " She was dressed as princess leia.  She looked at me rolled her eyes and pulled out her saber of light. I swung at her and missed epically.  She lunged forward and tried to stab me in stomach. I blocked her lung and we took the fight closer to the schools front door. She swung and hit me in the shoulder wining. She looked at me and said "pleasure doing business with you. " and pantsed me. I stumbled up the stairs after her with a red face.  After I got my pants up I yelled down the hallway,"what was that for?? " she looked at me and shrugged as she walked away with her hips swaying. 

"Girls" I muttered as I walked in to class. I took my seat in the back of the room next to ash and Kevin. Ash was roasting this poor freshman in a star wars rap battle. I only caught the end of it. Ash looked at the kid and with a sick flow he said, so a long time ago in a galaxy far, a couple Jedi Knights took a trip to the bar, with thier sabers in their pockets and robes looking tight, they were lookin for some trouble in the Sith Lord fight! Dark side, Light side, fighting like the South SIde! Spectators, Sith Haters, fighting with your hands tied! We're gonna hound 'em and pound 'em, their teeth are lookin whack We got 'em where we want 'em  like a clone attack. I stared at him in shock.  "Omg I didn't know you could rap like a god!" I explained. "Its one of my many hidden talents. I can also yodel but keep that on the dl" he said.
"Brah is there anything you can't do?" I exclaimed. "Well" he said  "I can't snap my fingers..." "Really? " "ya but thats pretty much it" he said. Right after he said that the teacher stood at the front of class and said we are all going to an dont do drugs assembly…

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