Chapter #4

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       Jean dropped behind the counter with tears in her eyes. She couldn't believe on how dark this reality was between Scott being an abusive husband, Hank being Magneto, Remy being a hybrid of Juggernaut and himself, America is the new Genosha, Her dad is dead and the Professor is her stepfather, she has a daughter, and she didn't have any of her abilities. Jean was about to start crying because she was stressed, and very angry until she heard a whisper of some sort.

          [You need to break open the egg in order to survive this battle Ms. Grey.] said the mysterious whisper.

          Jean realized that was a telepathic whisper. Out of instinct Jean peeked over the counter again and saw that her purse was laying next to the motorcycle. Her purse was behind Magneto Beast. Jean searched with her eyes to find a way to sneak behind him so she could break open the egg. So far she wasn't finding a way at all. Jean decided that she needed to take the risk. She stood up and ran towards Hank at full speed. Hank looked at her with a sinister look before lifting his hand towards her. Most of the items in the store started to float with Jean. He threw everything else towards the back of the store while pulling Jean towards him. Jean didn't struggle at all. She was actually trying to figure something out so she could get that egg. Hank smiled and told Juggernaut Gambit to get his ass over here so they could leave. Jean looked down at her purse before looking up at Hank.

          " Hey ugly!" yelled Jean towards Hank.

         He looked at her with a pissed off look before repling with " Who the fuck are you talking to little puny human?"

         " I believe that I am talking to your ugly ass." said Jean in a smartass tone.

          Hank squeezed his fist some. Jean could feel her lungs tighten up in her chest. She was having a tough time breathing. She Hulk saw what Jean was doing. She quickly took the opportunity and grabbed Juggernaut Gambit from behind. She threw him as hard as she could. He landed roughly a mile out of the city. It sounded like a nuke went off outside of the city when Juggernaut Gambit hit the ground. The landing left him in a disortained state. She-Hulk looked over at Jean and Hank. She charged towards him. Jean could feel the hold that he had on her loosen up some. Jean used this as an advantage and pushed herself towards Hank and her purse. It felt like she was floating in an area with zero gravity. Hank didn't notice what Jean was doing until she was about to grab her purse. Then he threw her about ten feet into the air and kept her floating there.

         " Both of you shall not overcome me this day." said Hank as he was struggling to hold both women.

         She-Hulk was being held back by a magnetic energy beam. She was having problems overcoming it. Hank was so distracted by She-Hulk that he forgot about keeping Jean up high enough so she couldn't reach for her purse. She finally managed to grab her purse and while she was digging around in it for the egg another villain appeared on the other end of the street. Jean couldn't tell who it was. It took about a minute for this mysterious villain to make their way over to her, Hank, and She-Hulk.

         " Well... well... you got your hands full don't you Magneto." said the villain.

         Jean recognized that voice from anywhere. Then the villain unleashed some bloody boney claws and stabbed She-Hulk in the head. Hank stopped blasting She-Hulk. The villain was Logan. In this reality he still went by Weapon X instead of Wolverine. Jean looked at She-Hulk's dead body and watched blood and brain matter slowly leak out of She-Hulk's head. Jean felt the egg in her hand. She only had one problem which was that she couldn't pull it out due to Hank's abilities being focused on her completely. Logan walked up to Jean and smelled her.

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