Chapter #3

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        Jean instantly jumped up and out of the beach chair. She had on a two piece swimming suit and a pair of sunglasses were sitting on her head. Her hair was chopped off right above her shoulders in this reality. Jean was officially getting pissed off now. All she wants to do is go home and be with the man that she loves with every ounce of her being. Jean looked around and saw Scott with a little girl. They were building sand castles and having a good time. Jean was curious about something so she walked up to them. The little girl giggled and ran up to Jean with her arms wide open.

        " You finally woke up from your nap mommy." said the little girl in a cheerful tone.

       Jean couldn't believe that this was her and Scott's child. Jean hugged the child and looked up at Scott. His eyes were brown which meant he wasn't Cyclops in this reality just like the other one. So does that mean Jean also didn't have her abilities either. Jean attempted to scan Scott's mind. But she didn't get anything.

        So she stopped hugging the child and kissed Scott before she said " I am gonna go for a quick swim."

         Jean walked out into the water until it got up to her hips. She held her hand out and attempted to lift some water up with her telekinetic ability. But nothing happened and this pissed Jean off. She punched the water before she dove into it. Jean went down to the bottom and touched the bottom with her hand before she found some sort of egg that looked ancient. Before she could grab the egg Jean shot straight back up to the surface so she could catch her breath. Jean thought that egg looked similar to the Phoenix egg just without the flames or the bright light that it normally produces. So she went back down there and grabbed the egg before she went back to the beach where Scott and the child were waiting. Scott ran up to Jean when he saw that she found something out there.

       " Are you fucking kidding me Abigail? Are you trying to get us thrown into jail. You know better than to go swimming especially when we don't have our passports on us at all. Plus what the fuck do you have in your hand?" said Scott in an angry tone.

        Before Jean could answer him at all. Scott grabbed the little girl's hand and they walked quickly towards their stuff that was a couple hundred feet away from the water. The moment that Scott got there he started packing their stuff up. Jean could tell that he was angry. So she started helping him pack and before she could say anything else he grabbed the bags and stormed off towards the car. Jean quickly hid the egg inside her purse before walking towards the car. While she was walking she noticed that the little girl looked a little scared of Scott. Jean was getting a gut feeling about something so she picked up the little girl and walked towards the car. After Jean got the child buckled into her car seat and sat down in the front passenger seat out of nowhere a fist hit her in the face. She looked over at Scott who was extremely angry before he ended up punching her in the face again.

        " Do not ever fucking pull another stunt like the one you did today just so you can get the fuck away from me!" yelled Scott while he was putting on his seatbelt and put the car in reverse.

        Jean couldn't believe that he just did that to her. Jean thought this was a good reality until that happened. Jean decided to punch him in the face more than once. Jean kept going until he had a blackeye and a bloody nose.

         " Don't you ever fucking hit me in front of our child ever again. Because next time you do I won't stop at nine punches. I will fucking kill you next time." said Jean in an enraged tone and tears in her eyes.

          This was definitely not the man that she loves. Jean knew that there was one thing left to do... Find Wanda and have her bring back their reality. Jean missed her friends and her Scott. Jean was done with whoever was playing minds with Wanda and making her do this fucked up shit. A few hours after they got home Jean snuck out of the house late at night. On her way out of the house she managed to grab the little girl without making any noises. Luckily the child was still asleep when Jean grabbed her and put her into the car. They were driving down the road when Jean's phone started ringing. Jean glanced down and saw that it was someone by the name of Keith. Jean didn't want to answer the phone because she didn't know if it was Scott or not.

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