Chapter 1

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"So, do any of you know the answer to this question?" you asked while pointing your hand towards the board. Your class of fifth years only stared back at you with dumbfounded looks as they listened to your lecture. As you scanned your eyes over the room you found that most of them were desperately trying to avoid your gaze. You smiled at this, although they'd been at Hogwarts for all these years they were still just a bunch of goofy kids; uninterested in schoolwork.

Just as you were about to answer the question yourself a timid hand raised into the air. You instantly recognized the student who so bravely volunteered to answer.

His name was Scorpius Malfoy ad he was by far your favorite student. Unlike a lot of them, he always listened intently to your lectures. He took notes fluidly and participated well in class. Although it was clear to you that the other students didn't seem to like him all that much. You assumed it was most likely due to who his father is and the famous stories around him that everyone knew. Poor Scorpius didn't deserve the ridicule he got and as a result of that, you found yourself mentally favoring him even more.

"Yes, Mr. Malfoy?" you acknowledged him with a gentle smile.

"I believe the answer is that there is no way to kill a Boggart. You can only banish them really, professor" he replied a little shyly.

"Excellent! You're exactly right. Ten points to Slytherin" you exclaimed proudly.

Scorpius beamed at your response as a few of the other Slytherins seemed to thank him quietly.

By the time class had ended you felt particularly drained. You hadn't gotten much sleep the night before and although today's class itself had gone well, you were exhausted none the less.

A lot of pressure came with teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts. You knew that the position itself was considered to be "cursed" and because of that they never held a professor for too long. However, this was already your third year and going strong. Nothing could shake you. You were at the top of your game.

Just as you were organizing your things to leave and head to the great hall a little knock sounded from the doorway. You turned slowly a little confused as to who it could be; usually, students seeking after class tutoring would just barge in with sighs and whines. Their informalities always amused you.

But when you turned to the doorway you saw no other than Scorpius Malfoy standing there looking a little awkward.

"Oh, hello Mr. Malfoy. What can I help you with?" you asked with a friendly smile.

"Ah, well you see professor... I just wanted to thank you" he said returning the smile.

His words threw you off a bit as you gave him a questioning look.

"What possibly for?" you laughed.

"F-for giving me a chance since day one. A lot of students... a lot of people really. They treat me different because of who my father is and what he has done in the past. What the Malfoy family has done... They always compare me to him in ways that are good and bad. They think I don't hear the whispers in the halls or the see the curious stares they give me in class. I hate it... all the unnecessary attention. You were the first person to really treat me equally. To see me simply as Scorpius Malfoy. Not Scorpius Malfoy, the Draco Malfoy's son." He told you with a little sigh of relief at the end of his sentence.

You listened to his words with curiosity as you studied his body language. He was being so sincere at this moment. You couldn't describe the sense of joy that washed over you as you realized that something as simple as teaching a class as you normally would... made all the difference for this boy.

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