Chapter 2

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After your little encounter with Draco in the pub, you found it hard to stop thinking about him. Once school started again you would spend the moments between classes fantasizing about the older man. You knew it wasn't right... but you couldn't really help it.

Although the guilt really set in whenever you'd see Scorpius sitting politely in your class as always. After all, he and his father had been through... it really wasn't your place to intrude.


However, one night upon receiving a rather interesting owl you found that you just couldn't help yourself.

The letter had been simple and concise, politely inviting you out to lunch over the weekend. It would have seemed like a date had it not been for the clear indication of wanting to discuss matters of his son's performance and the blatant usage of the words "friendly chat".

But those details weren't really a problem for you. If anything you felt a little relieved that he so clearly wanted to keep things proper between the two of you. Hopefully, you could genuinely become good friends with the man.

With that in mind, you headed out to meet him that weekend. Then the weekend after that... and the one after that as well. Pretty soon it became a kind of routine to meet with Draco. Your conversations consisted of friendly small talk and discussions of Hogwarts drama; whose kids were doing what now. Occasionally even you'd talk about yourself as he seemed eager to coax you on. You'd even learned more about him. Although, he'd never go too into detail.

Which was completely understandable...

But one day over your normal lunch the conversation took an odd turn.

"Then just as I was about to lose my temper Professor Longbottom came to my rescue. He just whisked me away from the little troublemakers and told me not to take them so seriously." You laughed lightheartedly while telling a rather recent story.

However, upon finishing you noticed the way that Draco's face began to kind of contort into a sort of displeased look. As if you said something he didn't like.

"Longbottom as in Neville Longbottom?" he asked with an unreadable stare.

"Yes, that would be him. From what I've gathered you both were in the same year" you mentioned casually.

"We were... I did hear something about him becoming the new Herbology professor." He said the last part mostly to himself.

"Are you two friends?" he asked nonchalantly.

"Yes, I think I'd say we are. He visits my classroom every now and then to chat. He's such a nice man" you admitted honestly.

Draco only paused for a moment before letting out a kind of scoff that quickly turned into a chuckle.

"Well, that's nice... That you have a good friend there" he said.

His entire demeanor was off as he seemed to be thinking about something deeply. The air grew kind of stiff between the two of you and the sudden urge to flee washed over you.

"It is nice" you spoke with bated breath.

The silence between you was almost unbearable and just as you were about to excuse yourself, Draco did it first.

"Sorry to say but I really must be going. I have some matters to attend to back at the manor" he told you with a smile.

"No worries! I should really be heading back as well," you replied, watching him stand up and collect himself.

"Same time next week?" he asked with a hopeful kind of smile.

"Yes, absolutely" you grinned.

Once he was gone you slunk back into your seat ad gave out a defeated sigh. All the tension that was hung in the air slowly swept away.

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