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I walked through the hallways going to my locker grabbing the books I needed to be greeted by the one and only Hector Diaz which I was lucky enough to call as my boyfriend. I smiled walking over to him he looked over returning a big smile as he opens his arms engulfing me in to the hugs I loved the most.

"hey there cutie" he says looking down at me 

"hey baby" I say giving him a quick peck on his cheek as he pouts while I shake my head giving him kiss on the lips 

"much better" he says as I laugh grabbing the books I needed 

"what do you have first and second" I ask 

"got English first and sadly math but luckily in fourth I get to see you" he says nudging me 

"of course but this time we gotta do work instead mucking around ok" I say

"of course" he says knowing that's not gonna happen we both start walking to my homeroom reaching there for us to talk for a bit until the 5 minute bell rings both of us saying bye walking in to see my best friend sitting next to her. 

~ 𝒔𝒌𝒊𝒑 𝒕𝒐 𝒇𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒕𝒉 𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒊𝒐𝒅 ~

I walked in to bio straight away seeing Hector as I go to sit down our bio teacher Mrs Reeves walks in announcing "we have a new seating plan you guys will be doing a practical with them as well" as she puts out the sheet of paper with all of our names on it. I sigh as both Hector and I look at each other giving a sad look walking up to the table to see our new partners luckily for me I got seated with one of my good friends Zara in class but for Hector was put with Maya. 

Who was Maya well she was in that group who would go out all weekend, party hang out with how many boys and well she was a big flirt trying to get every boys attention which for most she did. 

I tried to focus on the practical only to just hear her laughing twirling her hair around her finger while he would just smile and give small talk actually trying to focus for once Zara got me out of my thoughts. "don't worry I wanna punch her as well" as we both laugh together focusing on our work occasionally talking and making jokes getting in trouble a few times. 

~ 𝒍𝒖𝒏𝒄𝒉 ~

I walk out of bio with Zara as we go to our normal spot for our group each one of them coming in little groups we were all talking as I look over to Hectors group all of them were just chatting that's when I see her. Maya walking towards the group over to Hector, I watched every movement as she sat down next to him getting up all close while he tried to look away but that didn't work with her waving her hand in front of his face. She put her hand on his shoulder as she bit her lip trying to get all his attention on her which made me so annoyed making me stand up walking over while my whole group watched. 


I was sitting with my group until Maya came over and sat down, I was talking to my group but all she was trying to was get my attention moving closer towards me. 

"what do you want Maya?" I asked her getting annoyed 

"I'm doing nothing" she says innocently I shook my head turning around as she goes to speak again

"so I was thinking maybe we could hangout sometime go grab some food and watch a movie" she says putting her hand on my shoulder .

I turn around to reject her offer to only be cut off by my girl Angelica 

" that's gonna be a no sweetie" she says giving one of the fakest smiles Maya stood up going face to face 

"what you gonna do you got nothing compared to me" she says flicking her hair to the side  

"you are absolutely right about that I'm not exactly a clown" she snaps back 

"what did you just say" Maya sounding offended

"you heard me the circus called they need you but no need to fix the makeup looks pre goofy to get a laugh" as she snapped back.

We couldn't help but laugh Maya trying to act strong "you're gonna regret that" she says Angelica smirks cracking her knuckles ready to punch the living daylights out of her only for me to whisper "don't do anything you'll regret babe".

She looks over "you don't understand I won't regret anything all I need to know is why you're all up on my man, pretty desperate aren't you for going for somebody's boyfriend, ill be watching you two in bio and let me tell you I won't be afraid to beat your ass" as Maya steps back looking frighted for her life running out. Angelica and her group come over and sit with us as she leans her head on my shoulder, I look over at her "you were jealous weren't you?" I asked she looked in to my eyes " maybe" she says  I laugh  bit " like deadass nobody messes what is mine I swear I was ready to beat up a bitch" as she continues.

 I couldn't help but feel my heart warm up as I grabbed her by the chin kissing her hard causing for her to cover her face. "I fucking love you" I say laughing at the flustered state she was in placing my arms around her doing the same placing her arms around my waist "but damn you're so hot and cute when you get jealous".


𝒓𝒆𝒒𝒖𝒆𝒔𝒕 𝒇𝒐𝒓


hope you liked that 💛

I'm so sorry that took awhile 


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