Tokoyami x (Pregnant)Reader

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"(Y/N), it is time to wake up my love." You fluttered your eyes open and see your husband Tokoyami. You smiled at him and rub your eyes "Good-morning, what time is it?" You asked him, you have an appointment with the doctors today to check on the baby. "Its 7:00 love, we have the appointment at 8:30" you try standing up but Tokoyami came rushing to help you "My love, let me help you!! I must always be here." He sounded worried, I really don't mind him helping me but I don't want him to miss work everyday and get fired. Tokoyami is now a pro hero and I understand he must go and keep the city safe from evil. He has been getting less sleep, he's always working and when he comes home he takes care of me, I can't help but feel like a burden. "Tokoyami, I'll go to the doctor on my own." He looked hurt by what I said "My love, I cannot let you do that I will assist you.", "No please, I want you to stay home. I really appreciate of the things you have done for me, but you always leave for work and when you come home you take care of me. You hardly ever have enough rest because of me! I want you to take better care of yourself." I cupped his face and kiss his him. "My apologize love," he looks at your tummy and rubs it "I just want our child to be healthy and safe once he/she arrives, I worry if something happens to you it will affect him/her and I would never forgive myself if something happened to both of you.", "I really don't mind helping out, I don't rest because I want to spend every small moment with you, well both of you." he smiled "Oh love, That's very sweet of you. I understand but please rest for me, I mean us." He frowns and looks away, "Okay, how about this, I won't go alone I can call Uraraka and Midoriya if they would take me to doctors, would that make it better?" You hold his hand and moved it on your tummy he smiled again and sighed "That will be fine, I will count on Midoriya and Uraraka to be taking care of you." You smiled and got up to get ready you called Uraraka and asked if her and Midoriya could drive you to the doctors which they accept.

{Time Skip}

"(Y/N), They have arrived," he looks at you with a worried expression "Are you sure you don't want me to take you?", You smiled and chuckled "Yes I'll be fine, don't worry love. I'll text message you when I'm their and I'll call you when I am on my way home." You kissed him and open the door and saw Uraraka and Midoriya, "Good-morning (Y/N), and baby inside (Y/N)." Uraraka always says that its funny and cute. "Hey (Y/N), its been awhile, how have you been and the baby?" Midoriya hugs me gently because of my big tummy "Oh yeah its been awhile, we both been good. She/He just gets bigger and bigger." I laughed "Well let's go!" I kiss Tokoyami goodbye and Uraraka helps me walk to the car.

(Tokoyami POV)

"Midoriya," I walk towards him and put my hand on his shoulder, "Please, take good care of them." He smiles "You can count on me, I will sure look after both of them just for you old friend! Now go and rest up I'll bring her home safe and sound" I smile and watched them leave. Please, stay safe both of you.

They arrived at the doctors and (Y/N) waited to be called next, once she did the doctor did an ultrasound on her "Well Miss (Y/N), it appears your child is fully made, he/she will be arriving very soon." I thanked the doctor and left the room. Once we were on our way to my house I told them the news that the baby is fine and of course Uraraka was excited and pumped to see the newborn. Midoriya seemed really excited as well and he kept mumbling about how he/she would look like.

{Time skip}

I arrived home I waved goodbye to Uraraka and Midoriya and thanked them for accompanying me. I walk to the front of our door grab my house keys and entered. "Tokoyami, I'm home," it was quiet I walked to the kitchen because I'm hungry AF!! And looked at the kitchen counter and see a vase full of (Favorite Flowers) and it had a little note from Tokoyami:

My love,

I went out to get some groceries, no need to worry I'll be home in an hour. Please get some rest.


You smiled and smelled the flowers he still remembers your favorite flowers. Tokoyami remembers everything I love and enjoy, even in the smallest things he remembers like i really enjoy cuddling with him, and when he puts his beak on my lips. Tokoyami is a good man and I'm glad I have him part of my life. You make yourself a sandwich and ate it, then went to your room and fell asleep.

(Tokoyami POV, again :3)

I drove up to park, I took more than an hour because of the paparazzi and fans surrounding me, but I am now home. I grab the bags and walk inside, "(Y/N), I'm home" silence, its weird she would usually hear me. I put down the bags and check inside our room I opened the door "Hey, love I'm sorry I took awhile I was-" I looked and saw (Y/N) sleeping, she looks so peaceful. I get the blanket and cover her sleeping figure and kiss her on her forehead and kiss he belly "Sleep well, my loves."


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