Tokoyami x (Singer)Reader

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In this one you will have a quirk that I chose, Yes I understand you probably wanted to put your own quirk, but I have been thinking about this one and I love it and I hope you love it as much as I do also I picked the song your gonna sing!!

Quirk: Siiren. (You have the most enchanting voice when you sing, when you sing your opponent it is hard for them to resist. You can make High notes to Medium notes. You can use this for good to calm someone down. And once they are 'enchanted' with your voice that's when you attack. It takes an hour for them to stay enchanted. You have real good combat skills and you use a weapon Tantō. If you overuse your quirk your throat becomes dry or you lose your voice for like an hour)


I couldn't help but worry about my friends. Our 3rd Day in Training Camp and we already have problems with villains, again! We had permission to use our quirks only for self-defense. I was by myself I hoped and prayed to bump into someone anyone but villains. It feels like I'm running forever, my feet are killing me but I won't stop. I then hear a loud crashing sound nearby, I began to hyperventilate a bit then I saw a huge shadow go towards me but before it reaches me I was pulled back by Shoji and Midoriya. I hugged them both "I'm so glad you guys are okay! Thank you for saving me." I said worried in my voice, I looked at Shojis hand it was cut off and Midoriya looks all beat up and his arm looked severely damaged. I wanted to ask but they stopped me from saying anything, "There is no time to explain, we have a huge problem here" the same shadow tries to attack us Shoji carries me in his arms while he carries Midoriya from behind and hides behind the trees. The dark figure seemed so familiar, I tried to remember until it clicked, Tokoyami.. "That was Tokoyami huh?!" Shoji and Midoriya looked at each other with sad expressions and then looked at me. Both of them explain to me what had happened, I began to tear up knowing that Tokoyami my crush was in trouble and I wasn't here.. Shoji and Midoriya Try to calm me down "I wasn't here to help him and you guys I'm soRry" I spoke between my sobs. "Its okay we can still help him," Midoriya smiles at me "because we have a plan."


Shoji and Midoriya explained their plan: We help Bakugo. Then use Bakugo explosions to cause light for Dark Shadow to calm down. So all we need is Dark Shadow to chase us. "I'll run for it first" I said "What!? no we will go together" Shoji says sounding a bit upset. "Maybe I'll try to calm Dark Shadow if he hears me, you guys know how really close I am with Tokoyami as well with Dark Shadow." they stayed silent "Please, let me at least try.. I know both of them wouldn't hurt me..." They both looked at each other and then back at me they nodded. Shoji tried to get Dark Shadow attention so I can have a chance to run, and so I sprinted. I peeked from behind and saw Dark Shadow chasing me. "Tokoyami!! Dark Shadow!! Its me (Y/N)!!" I see Tokoyami and I knew we made eye contact, "(Y-Y/N)? What are you doing!?!! leave me I don't want to hurt you!!" Tokoyami.. I don't care I know you wouldn't hurt me. I see a dark claw trying to grab me but I dodged it "Dark Shadow, please calm down, stop consuming Tokoyami!!" I can't help it watching both of them like this it's breaking my heart I began to tear up. Soon we saw Bakugo and Todoroki having trouble with a villain. The villain turned and attacked me with his sharp teeth. I try to jump back but it went through my upper-arm I yelped he pinned me on the ground, he kept pushing deeper into my upper-arm and I screamed in pain which I then made a high note, it caused everyone to cover their ears. Dark Shadow froze and stopped thrashing and turned towards me "(Y-Y/N)?" I looked up to see Dark Shadow face getting closer to mine I slowly reached my hand to touch his 'face' when I was close of touching him the villain attacked and it cause Dark Shadow to go berserk again. He stopped when I did the High Note what if I sing to him, would he calm down? I see the villain getting closer to me this is my chance, I wrapped my leg around his and twisted myself ignoring the pain in my arm and kicked him towards a tree, the villain back hitting pretty hard. I see Bakugo and Todoroki going to use their quirks I stopped them "Wait!! I want to try something, it seemed when I did that high note he seemed pretty calm, may I take care of this?" I asked calmly "EH!? ARE YOU AN IDIOT YOU WANT TO GET YOURSELF KILLED!?" Bakugo says angrily in my face, then Todoroki put his hand on his shoulder, "Didn't you witness when she did that? He did calm down for a bit lets leave this to her." I nodded and walked towards Tokoyami.


Tokoyami P.OV
I see (Y/N) walk towards me "(Y/N), What are you doing stay back!! I don't want to kill you!!" she still walks towards me and stops, what shocked me was when she looked up at me she smiled.. "Its okay Tokoyami, I know you and Dark Shadow wouldn't hurt me" I watch her take a deep breath "Hey Dark Shadow!!" Dark Shadow claw grabbed her and stared at her Todoroki took a step but "Wait! I trust her on what ever she plans, if Dark Shadow gets violent you may attack." Todoroki nodded and stepped back, "I know you won't hurt me, you never hurt me before not even once," She sounds so calm "Even when we train you try not to go rough on me, I notice that heh." Dark Shadow squeezes (Y/N) I here her yelp. "You won't hurt me!" She took another breath and began to, sing.

She sings so beautifully..

Come, little children

The time's come to playHere in my garden
Of shadows

Its not her voice I am in love with..

Follow, sweet children
I'll show thee the way
Through all the pain and
The sorrows

Its everything, everything I ever wanted, she eases my pain, she makes me feel like as if she set fire into my heart it warms me inside..

Weep not, poor children

For life is this wayMurdering beauty and

No other person has made me feel this way, that is someone to cherish, protect and love..

Hush now, dear children
it must be this way
To weary of life and

Love? Is that what I am feeling?..

Rest now, my children
For soon we'll away
Into the calm and
The quiet

I am in love.. I am in love with you, (Y/N)!!


Dark Shadow gently places (Y/N) on the ground and he slowly shrinks.. She is trying to calm him down, even her song is so enchanting, I look at the others they seemed enchanted as well. I'm surprised even Bakugo is enchanted in her song.. I hope they don't plan on taking her from me...

Come, little children
I'll take thee away
Into a land
Of enchantment

I am even enchanted but not by her song, its her..

Come, little children
The time's come to play
Here in my garden
Of shadows

I get up and walk towards her I don't know why I can't stop, I am face to face with her, she is so beautiful, her big shiny (eye color) eyes, her lips look soft like a rose petal, I cupped her face and put her lips on my.


Tokoyami kissing me!?!?!! Am I dreaming?!! No I'm not. He pulled back and looked into my eyes, his eyes are as red like ruby gems. my face began to turn into a crimson color, "(Y/N)," he pulls me close to his body " I thank you for saving me and calming down Dark Shadow," I nodded "before we find the others I must confess to you about something." "Oh yeah anything for you, Tokoyami-kun!" he takes a breath then speaks "Every time I am with you, you make me feel things I have never felt before. It makes me want to be with you more and cherish you, love and protect you. Your precious to me. I know this isn't the right time but," He faces me again and smiles "It would be a pleasure if you become, mine?" He is just the cutest thing ever!! I jumped in his arms and told him a thousand times yes. I kissed his beak, and looked at him, "Let's go fight bad guys?" I smiled and he nodded "Oh.. almost forgot, these guys are a little bit dazed because of my song," "How long will they snap out of it?" I chuckled nervously "Like about an hour, heh."


*UPDATE*: Sorry guys I was going through the stories here and I missed a small piece of the story! Again I am deeply sorry about my mistake lol ;-; anyway the next one will be coming soon.

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