Chapter 4: The Sugar Plum Fairy~!

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as ash and Mewtwo walked through the castle...

then soon found the sugar plum fairy...

" ah.....good morning!" joy said as she twirled in her dress thing...

" good morning sorry to but you see.....these mice were nutcracker and I stopped them...and well as you can see....." ash said

"I see....well the only way to reverse the to defeat the mouse king and free your nutcracker...who is the prince of the from his curse!" joy said

" wait...Prince of the dolls?!" ash said

" yes....a long time ago...he was turned into a nutcracker by the mouse king when he overtook his kingdom....." joy said

" oh my......" ash said

" but where does the mouse king live?" ash asked

" he lives in the rotten forest....east of Mount Fugi~!" joy said, " luckily I have a map...."

she then handed ash a map...of how to get there.....

" thank you so much!" ash said...

Joy gave a nod...

when screams were heard....ash Mewtwo and joy ran to see the mouse....terrorizing the townsfolk...

" where is the prince of the dolls?!" the mouse king sneered.....

" oh my....quickly...this way....the mouse king is after you~!" joy said

" but what about you?" ash asked as she lead them to a secret tunnel...

"I will be go!" joy said closing the door....and wen to hide...

ash Mewtwo grabbed his arm as they ran down the hall to an exit...

after waiting for the mouse troops to move on...ash and Mewtwo fled the Kingdom of sweets...

The Nutcracker prince ( Mewtwo X ash / ash x mewtwo)( Firstshipping)Where stories live. Discover now