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"ALRIGHT kids, I'll be back soon." Robert Downey Jr. announced. His daughter, Rose was sitting on the leather couch in Robert's dressing room, a magazine in her lap. "Make sure he doesn't break anything." Rob pointed at Rose, referring to his youngest, Andrew, who was playing Clash of Clans on his phone.
Andrew was a spontaneous being. He was outgoing, energetic, and a kid at heart. Rob warned Rose to keep an eye on him because it seemed that every time Rob brought his son to set, something disastrous happens.
Rob closed the door of his dressing room, leaving his kids alone.
Acting ran in the Downey family. Rose's parents had been acting since they could talk, and the same for her. Even though her family consists of A-lists, that didn't exactly mean they were perfect. Their parents had recently gotten a divorce this past year and it had never been easy on Rob.
Robert Downey was not one to show how he felt on the inside, and often, Rose would be the one babysitting him, making sure he didn't use alcohol as a vice. Her dad had always dealt with sobriety but she had to admit, it had gotten tremendously better ever since he landed the role of Iron-Man.
Rose's mother, Grace Downey, was a beauty-still is. Robert had fallen hard for his ex-wife. Her ginger curls and emerald eyes could make any man swoon, and her beauty passed to Rose as well. Grace is witty and compassionate and is the one that usually knows how to bring the family together, but now that seems as if it's becoming Rose's job.
Rose doesn't see her mother often, but neither her dad. Acting was a full-time job. That left her and her brother trying to maintain a healthy relationship, unlike her parents. Andrew was never perfect either.
He still deals with anxiety and every once in awhile, when he seems to be doing better, a panic attack will make sure that doesn't happen. But, at the end of the day, he really is a good kid. He gets his compassion from his mother.
Andrew had gotten bored with the game on his phone and decided to walk around the dressing room. Marvel Studios never disappointed when it came to dressing rooms, hence why Rob's even had a full bath. Andrew decided to explore and ented the white subway tile covered bathroom.
"Don't touch anything!" Rose's voice rang, noticing Andrew had left the lounge area.
"Sweet! They got more of that German chocolate I requested." Andrew explained as he found a bowl on the bathroom vanity, filled with expensive European sweets.
Andrew loved Marvel probably more than any of the actors for Marvel. Every chance he got, he'd sneak onto the set with his dad. He was fascinated by everything surrounding the studios.
"Hey, Rob, showtime." A voice announced as they opened the door. Rose looked up from her magazine to see who it was. When she realized it was a tall and attractive man, she quickly got off the couch and started fixing her hair.