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light a roman candle with me

it wasn't love at first sight. it wasn't even love at second or third or seventh sight. yet, mark chokes up when he sees yukhei dancing for the first time.

it's technically not the first time – they've shared a room for about a year together now and yukhei usually made it a point to always stretch in the morning and listen to the type of music mark hates and beam when mark told him to shut the fuck up.

yukhei's a good dancer. he's tall and handles himself well, has good posture and toned legs and rhythm even though he's a ballet dancer.

but this isn't dancing. this is flying. yukhei flies across the stage, face stern and controlled as he spins and jumps, picks yuqi up like she ways nothing, all that while remaining elegant and so, so beautiful.

so, mark cries. it's embarrassing, really. it's been about two weeks since they've tried dating. it wasn't anything big. they went on a couple dates, first the movies and dinner afterwards, they to the pub a few times and sometimes yukhei just cooked for them and they played board games together.

not love at first sight. no fireworks. no butterflies.

just – domesticity.

it's easy and comfortable and the kisses are sweet and fun and

and mark cries.

"did you like it?" yukhei asks and mark jumps, because he's been waiting outside for a good half hour, almost freezing to death. yuqi's arms are wrapped around yukhei's left one and they look so pretty together that mark gets a little jealous. he's never been jealous when it came to yukhei.

he nods, putting on a small smile himself. "you guys were amazing." he still sounds choked up and he hopes neither of them hear it but they share a look and mark wants to disappear into thin air.

"i'm gonna leave you to it, then. goodnight, xuxi. mark." she squeezes mark's upper arm like she's an old lady with a lot of experience and mark decides he likes her even though she looks better at yukhei's side than him.

yukhei raises his hand to boop the tips of mark's nose with his finger. "you okay? you look a little sad." he almost pouts and mark bites his lip, eyes turning wet again.

"you guys were just pretty cool down there." he shrugs, trying to blink away the tears.

when yukhei laughs, the air into white puffs. mark loves the cold. and maybe – no. he won't finish this thought.

"pretty cool, huh? is that why you're crying?" yukhei teases but there's no bite behind it. his face is a little shiny and he looks freshly showered, which is probably also the reason it look him so long. mark rolls his eyes but can't bite away the smile.

"thank you for coming," the older than hums, stepping a little closer and wrapping his arms around mark's smaller body. lets mark press his face into his scarf and cry a tiny bit more. "i'm happy you liked it so much it made you cry."

mark hits him but there's almost no force in it. his laugh sounds a little wet.

"i hate you." then, "kiss me."

and yukhei does. (mark loves the cold. and maybe he loves yukhei, too.)

"If we were honest and both wrote a sonnet together
A sandwich with everything on it,
At least we would know that the sparks didn't glow
But we owe it to ourselves to try,
So we aim and ignite!"

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