Before we begin...

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Now then.

Here's the deal.

This is a NEW VERSION of my first ever book "Love the little one". (If you haven't yet stumbled across it you may go check it out but it is not necessary) ((I mean I would love it but don't mind me))

I would appreciate some feedback on what you think of the book and whether my writing even makes any sense. If you could point out any grammatical errors or some others things (for example facts not adding up) that would be great!


I don't want to see a single comment about how the relationship of the main characters is wrong, because by all means, leave. You don't have to read it. Just delete it from your library or whatever and be done with it. Quietly. Thank you.


If you have read the old version, I highly suggest reading this one too, because after I'm done writing this, I'm going to continue with the sequel. It is very likely that some facts will be changed, perhaps even some new people. Who knows? (Not me) When I start up again with the sequel, I will use the NEW VERSION as the base and that is why I strongly recommend reading this.

Okay, I think that's all for now.


Love the little one NEW VERSIONWhere stories live. Discover now