Chapter 4

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Last night was the most terrifying night I've ever lived through, or at least the most terrifying I can remember. My phone was dead and of course I put it to charge immediately but I sat up all night, curled up on my bed under the covers, senses hyperactive. Every whisper of the wind, every creak of the lanterns outside swaying in the shifting air, every whine of the trees around my cabin was amplified, as if someone had decided to turn the volume higher than what it normally was.

I was too scared to go to sleep, afraid of the wolves outside my door, waiting for the chance to rip me to shreds. When I hadn't heard any scratching of the door or any whines trying to convince me to open the door for them for a few hours I had tried to reason with myself, saying that the beasts were most likely long gone, bored of waiting for the prey to present itself to their sharp teeth. But there was still a part of me that said that they were just trying to confuse me, making me think they were gone when in fact they were just around the corner, laying in ambush, waiting for the change to catch me and gobble me up into their hungry jaws. I could not go to sleep for every time I closed my eyes there were two pairs of glowing eyes staring at me. They would stare at me for a few seconds and then reveal their gleaming teeth, canines sharp and glistening with saliva. And then they would jump.

Now it is morning and here I am, freshly out of the shower, staring at myself in the mirror. Puffy red eyes, bags under them. When I try to smile it only brings my attention to my lips, red and swollen, slightly decorated with crusted blood from all the gnawing I did on them throughout the night. I puff out a breath and watch it fog up the mirror's glass.

Straightening my shoulders I decide that today is a new day, the horrors of yesterday can be left there. Brushing my teeth and dressing myself into a sweater and sweats I ignore the horror movie version of myself glaring at me from the looking glass on the wall.

There are a few small boxes waiting for me in the kitchen, I decide to deal with them after I've had some breakfast. I look around the kitchen for a second and then realise that there's nothing to eat. Why would there be? It's not like I went to the store yesterday.

Groaning at my stupidity I stomp my leg a few times, standing angrily in the middle of my kitchen. Well, I guess those boxes will be unpacked before breakfast then. Putting away the few dishes and cooking utensils I brought with me, I try to mentally put together a shopping list just so that I don't spend my money on junk food. But who am I kidding, I'm still going to buy it.

Getting done with the boxes I peek out of my windows, still slightly apprehensive about going out after yesterday's events. I don't catch even a glimpse of fur during my inspection so I opt to head out while I still have the courage to do so.

Not bothering to change out of my comfy clothes, I chase around for my purse and step out of the house ten minutes later with my trainers and jacket on. I am just about to take a step onto the stairs when I stop and slap myself on the forehead. I turn around and march back inside, taking my phone from where it was charging next to my bed. This time I also remember to lock my door and now am officially ready to head out.

The trip through the woods separating me from the rest of the town is actually quite relaxing what with the birds whistling their tunes in the trees and the occasional passage of wind rustling my hear and the light green leaves above me, seemingly glowing in the sunlight that shines on them. I was quite lucky to get this place, even with the unexpected neighbours. This place has an almost magical feel to it. It's like the trees are not just normal trees, they look like they could come alive any moment and tell you the stories of people they've seen, hold you captive with tales of the forest and its inhabitants. The birds are just flashes in the corner of my eye, making me think of fairies instead, the birds' melodious songs turning into the twinkling wings and laughter of small creatures, playing and laughing on the branches without a care in the world.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2020 ⏰

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