Michael is a year old now and Bella and Jacob could not beileve on how much he is growing up already.
he look so much like his dad it unreal he has is dad hair colour hair he has his dad face but the only thing he has of his mum is Bella nose.
One day Emily was looking after him so Bella and Jacob could go on a date but they eneded up going all fours as the vampire wanted to talk to the werewolf at the treat line all of the pack went back to human form but Bella stay a werewolf.
Edward asked where is Bella and Jacob said why do u want to see my wife and Bella howled at Jacob and he gave her the clothes and the cullens looked confussed why they gave that wolf Bella cothes and then Bella came out from behind a tree and said i hear you wanna see me.
Edward so angry that Bella is now a werewolf and he stormed off like a child not caring about anything.
once the other cullens got back to there house Bella and Jacob ened up going back to there leaving Michael with Sam and Emily for the night so they could have a night n there own and something happened that night.
three weeks later Bella has not been feeling well so she went to see a doctor and she found out she is pregnant she told Jacob and he was so happy they both hope they have a baby girl this around so they have one of each but they will have to wait and see.
Today Bella is finding out what she is having so Bella and Jacob are going to the doctors and two hours later they found out they are having a baby girl and when they got home they sat on the sofa and decide on a name.
They decide to call there daughter Luna Jane Black
Everyone was so happy for them.One day Bella was chilling at home when she got a phone call saying her dad was found dead in his home she screamed and started to cry and Jacob came straight to the house and saw Bella on the floor.
He ran to her and comforted her and she told him what happened and he was upset for his wife but he was there for her.