Chapter One: Journey up the mountain

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The freezing wind was harsh against my face as I trudged through the snow. I knew that this was going to be hard but this may be more than I bargained for. A sigh escaped my lips my green warm cloak was soaking up some of the snow and freezing making it stiff. I glanced over and seen a rock shaded by a tree and quickly scrambled over to it collapsing onto it. I had been walking for hours and I was only half way to the top of the mountain. I looked out across the vast landscape the sun had started to set, suddenly there was the howls of wolves. I took a deep breath to calm myself I mean what are the chances of them finding me, I smiled but it soon faded as I heard the panting and thundering footsteps. My head spun to the bend that was ahead and my heart stopped as I seen a pack of wolves run around and towards me. I scrambled over and climbed the tree quickly hoping they didn't see me. I sat there for what seemed like forever watching them sniff around before trotting off. I breathed a sigh of relief as I lay back against the branch letting my eyes close slowly.

I woke up the next morning and looked up hearing the sound of large wings, there above me was the dragon I had my chance so I took it I drew my knife and threw it. I watched it fly through the air a slice through the wing. The creature lost balance and fell to the side of the mountain and clawed its way up to its cave. I jumped from my perch in the tree landing in the snow and ran up the mountain. As I reached the cave I stared into the ominous dark hole, my hand gripped the hilt of my sword as I reached down down for some rocks and grabbed a stick I had got from the tree quickly lightning it. I took a deep breath holding up the torch as I walked in. I could hear growling mixed with what sounded like groans of pain. I gulped and raised the torch higher only to have it knocked out of my hand and to be thrown across the room, I felt my head hit a rock before passing out.

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