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(Hi my 1 reader, can you like leave a comment? cuz I'm curious as to why you're reading 😂. Thx)

My reflection stared back at me without recognition. Dull eyes and blank features. I could feel that niggling anxiety like a breath on the back of my neck, or harsh whispers behind my back as my breaths became shorter and more shallow.

My mind was a maelstrom. More than usual. This new boy was admirably perceptive, which meant I was going to have to up my game a little.

With shaking fingers I reached up and pulled even more hair from its already lose bun, then pinched my cheeks and bit down on my lip, causing a bright flush to raise to my face. Finally I practised my smile.

My hands stopped shaking as I slammed up the walls in my head, confident that my dazed look would get me through the rest of the day with out any questions should my mind start to drift again. I walked slowly out of the bathroom I headed over to my groups spot on campus, firmly pushing any thoughts of Ellijah from my head.

"Anyaa! There you are! Mates before dates you know!"
I sat down quickly next Beth and laughed at Trish's comment like I was expected to.
"Yeah Yeah. Cuz we all know I'm the biggest slag here."
The irony of my statement achieved a few eye rolls.

Out of the group I was the only one left who'd never had a relationship. Or even a first kiss. And it wasn't that I couldn't have, I just didn't want to. Too much energy was required for that sort of thing.

Fingers clicked in my face and I snapped back to attention.

"You alright? you seem-"
"High!" Interrupted Beth. Sometimes it was as if she was aware that I needed her to make excuses for me. Other times it was the opposite, but she wasn't to blame.

"Durr that'll be the meth I've been cooking. I can sell you some. Mates rates." I said, winking and waggling my eyebrows. Everyone laughed.

Art lesson passed in a blur. I almost didn't notice Ellijah stumble in late. Almost. He apologised charmingly to Miss Farrow and spent the lesson being lectured and filled in on the project for the year. I almost felt sorry for him...almost.

The end of the day came quickly. My work was strewn chaoticly over the table and I noticed Beth waiting for me by the door. My limbs felt heavy like lead, and my vision was still a little blurry; I didn't have the energy for her enthusiasm so I waved goodbye and she left with some boy. Distracted by the impossible task of clearing away all of my mess I didn't notice the presence beside me until he cleared his throat rudely.

"I'm impressed," he said, hands stuffed in his pockets. I waited for him to continue but he just stared expectantly.
"Are you going to to tell me why you're impressed?" I replied shortly, not bothering to look up.
"In the space of 2 hours you've made it look like a tornado has hit."

I looked up and could see the laughter in his eyes. Smiling, I nodded in defeat and carried on tidying. Silently he helped, gathering paintbrushes and pots.

We left the classroom together, and he didn't leave as I headed across town towards my favourite coffee shop.

"What are you doing?" I stopped and asked accusingly.
"Walking." He teased. I felt like I'd met my matched in terms of being difficult. He really managed to test my patience.
"Where to? Cuz it feels like your following me."
"Oh I just happen to like coffee."

How did he know I was getting coffee? Carefully I kept my features blank, but not quick enough. He laughed, almost bitterly.

"Don't worry love, I'm not a stalker. We clearly just have the same taste in beverage."

I couldn't deal with him. He was draining and I was tired.

"You know what, I'm actually quite tired. I'm heading home."

His face was very still as I turned slowly to head towards the train station. Completely blank.

I left.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2020 ⏰

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