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We begin our story, with something you all have most likely or rarely ever read in this type of point of view.

My name? Thanks for asking. I would tell you, but however if you didn't read the description then you will have no idea who I am. But you will soon find out I guess; But if you do know who I am. Congratulations, you know how to read.

We begin our story again, with a day in the spiritual realm. It's like your world, except more clean, and more beautiful because all humans today disrespect this world, and make it look like shit. Anyway, not saying I was any better when I was alive, but you know.

Back to explaining the spiritual realm, the main difference is there's a lot less people, and when the guardians, who are waiting for their soulmates, finally have them, we move on. And we go who knows where. There's a rumor we end up turning into stars. I know, crazy, but it's a rumor I hear.

Enough of me talking, let's actually jump into the story. First, let's start with the day everything changed. The day I died.

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