Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

*16 year old Evangeline's POV*

It was a normal night for me. Dinner with my family, and then back to studying in my bedroom. However, tonight was different. I was pulling an all nighter so I could finish my creative writing essay for English. It was around 11 o'clock, when I got a strange feeling.

The feeling felt as if I was just punched in the chest, and the pain just traveled down to the pit of my stomach. I felt the urge to cry, and I had no idea why. I didn't understand why I was feeling this way. I tried shaking it off, but nothing seemed to take the pain away.

I tried putting on my headphones, and listening to music, to pick up my mood. I put my iPhone on shuffle, but it only played sad love songs. Every time I'd skip a song, it would play another song in the same category.

It's like the universe wanted me to feel sad. I quickly finished my work, and headed back downstairs. I had a strange feeling, like I was being watched. I looked around, franticly. No one was there. Not even my dog.

I got a glass of water, and put on a movie to get my mind off it. I started watching an old but really good movie that I love, which is The Breakfast Club.

When it was finished, I put my glass in the sink, and headed back upstairs. I looked around once more, still having that strange feeling. And still– nothing.

I got underneath my covers, and went to sleep, with one last tear, falling down my face.

*Evangeline's POV*

*Present Day.*

I woke up, just like a normal day. Still writing in my daily blog, and still writing for a magazine which pays the bills; But yet I'm still never satisfied with how I'm living my life.

I moved from Covington, a small town in Georgia, to New York City. To pursue my dream in writing. I graduated High School a year early, and went to College and finished with a Bachelors degree in Journalism.

After that, I moved. I got my own place, got a job with Glamour Magazine and it pays my bills, I like my coworkers. It's just, not what I expected. Today, however was slightly different. Today I turn 21. Now usually people who turn 21 are out with their friends, and or family or significant other having "their first drinks" when I mean, I bet they already secretly had them. So everyone gets shocked when you down that first shot like a pro. I mean, except your best friend, because hello they aren't really your best friend if they didn't do those shots with you when you were both 16 years old.

Anyway, not me. Instead I'm spending my birthday by myself, in my apartment, watching a Molly Ringwald marathon. I picked up a cupcake on the way home and found a candle in my silverware drawer.

It was also raining, which is normal in this city. I got most of my birthday wishes from my family. I obviously replied without really wanting to. I sat on my couch, watching one of my favorites first since I was little. 'The Breakfast Club'.

I could have sworn, I heard a laugh more than once. That wasn't my own, and wasn't apart of the movie. I'd look around again, and nothing. Ever since I was 16 it's been like this. Having a feeling like I'm being watched or something. Kind of crazy. Especially during my hardest times I feel like there is someone there. Comforting me. It is the weirdest feeling.

Like, the other day I tried to interview for this promotion I really wanted, I worked really really hard. I stayed up days and nights on end practicing on what to say. Writing and re writing everything. I know it sounds crazy, but the feeling was there also. It felt like someone was motivating me, being there for me. I got excited, having that feeling. Until, a few days after the interview, I swore I had it in the bag. My least favorite coworker got it. She bragged about it to me the whole day.

I was destroyed. I drove home not knowing what was wrong with me. What I did wrong. And all I could feel was warmth on my shoulder. And it's like I could hear someone say "You didn't do anything wrong.. you were perfect, they are the ones being total idiots." I smiled, like what I heard was real. I shook my head, and got up from my couch, got a glass of water, and headed to bed.

The feeling was still there when I laid there. It felt more intimate though. Like the feeling was someone holding me from behind. I didn't know what was happening. I sighed and turned my lamp off, and went to sleep.


I finished my first movie, and then put on the next 16 Candles.

'Are you serious?' I heard almost so faint. But I was for sure.

"Hello?!" I said. "Who's there?" I asked louder. No answer. I wasn't going crazy. I swore someone or something said something.

'16 Candles, I mean come on. The Breakfast Club I can understand, but 16 Candles I mean.. seriously?'

"What the fu-"

'Hey, hey now. Just because you can most likely hear me now does not mean I deserve your cuss words' it said again.

"Who are you!?" I yelled.

'I am, not what you think I am'

"Oh don't do some stupid fucking bullshit dude, what the hell is this" I said, getting mad and irritated, and freaked out all at once.

'Damn, I like you more every day.' It replied. Again.

"What- what the actual—who are you?" I asked one last time.

'You won't believe me, if I told you.'

"Try me" I answered.

'Believe me, you won't believe me'

"Right, so if I won't believe you then don't say 'believe me' to start off a sentence nimrod." I said annoyed.

'Haha you're cute when you're angry too'

"Go away!"

"Ah see totally wish I could. So you know you could get some space, but unfortunately! I am stuck here to watch over you. So if you may put on this stupid movie and I will watch it in disgust quietly.'

"Excuse me. Why don't you like 16 Candles. It's a classic! And I mean hello Jake Ryan" I replied with a swooning smile.

'Puh-lease I was way hotter than that guy'

"Yeah. Okay. Maybe in your dreams sweetheart." I said swerving my head.

'Actually, the only person in my dreams have been you— or well for the past five years I guess'

"What are you talking about?" I asked again. Getting snappier by the second.

'I really would tell you, but again you seriously won't believe me, trust me. And before you say some smart ass bullshit. I said trust me, which you can do.'

I felt as if he had been smirking this whole conversation.

I scoffed, and groaned, and marched to my bedroom.

'Happy Birthday!' I heard him yell to me. Even though it didn't sound like yelling.

'Do you uh— want me to turn this shit off?'

I heard him shout again. I slammed my door. And I really was hoping this was all a dream. And then I went to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2020 ⏰

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