6) "Do you trust me?"

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She's so hot, I can't even comprehend

Lauren POV

I was with Brad and our friends in my house. We were just drinking beer and having some random conversations.

"So, have you heard about that Natalie girl?" One of the girl said

I took a sip of my beer and I looked at her

"Seriously what is up with her style?" She said and everyone laughed "She's been having the same shoes since middle school" Brad said and everyone laughed "Oh my god don't let me get started with her face!" Everyone laughed

"She's a total nerd" Everyone was dying of laughter by now

What's wrong with being a nerd?

I laughed too but it was fake

She's not that bad looking

And nerds are cute

"Yo Lauren! What's in your mind" Brad said as he wrapped his arms around my shoulder "Nothing" I drank my beer "What do you think about that Natalie girl?" They said

"She's pretty" I said and everyone got quiet

"Ew Lauren!" Brad said and everyone nodded

"Pretty disgusting" I laughed and everyone laughed as well

But in reality, Natalie wasn't disgusting

Couple hours later it was getting kinda late. I think everyone is sober up now. They can drive now. "Alright everyone out!" I said and push them away "But babe we haven't gotten any sex in 5 months!" Brad whined and hugged me "I know, I can count my months" I said and push him away

"Bye y'all" I sigh and cleaned up my house

After I cleaned up my house and myself, I went to bed. My mind randomly crossed to Natalie. She's always reading and smiling. I giggled by the thought of her. I remember her being in middle school with me. I erased my thoughts of her and went to sleep


I arrived to school and I parked my car in the parking lot. I saw Natalie walking and I studied her. She didn't even apologized to me wen she literally squash my foot. I ran up to her and stood in front of her making her stop walking. "What are you doing? Move" she moved to the right but I also moved to the right "Not unless you apologize to me" I said innocently and she scoffed "For what? What did I do" she said like she had no idea what I'm talking about

"You almost broke my foot yesterday!" I said and she giggled "You deserved it though" she looked at me

This little girl-

"Apologize and this discussion will be over" I crossed my arms "You apologize to me first" she said and my yes widened "What did I do?" I said furiously

By this point we're fighting like an old married couple

"You were bothering me" She looked away "Well you should've answered me and none of this would happened!" I said and she scoffed "Well you shouldn't have bothered me and none of this would happened!" She said back to me

"Well you shouldn't be talking to a celebrity like this" I smirked "So what? To me you're just a normal girl that is mean" she just rolled her eyes



I got interrupted by the bell

Oh gosh I'm late for 1st period

"Thanks a lot we're late" she said to me "Oh so, you're blaming me now? You should've just said 'sorry' and we wouldn't be late" I said and she rolled her eyes "What are going to do? The front door are locked now" she pouted and I got an idea "Follow me" I said and she just followed me

I went back to the school and saw that fence where Natalie went over last time. I threw my backpack over the fence

Then I easily climbed over and jumped down over the fence

That was easy

I landed and I grabbed my backpack of the floor and began walking away but I heard Natalie climbing behind me. I turned around and she was climbing over the fence. She got on top of the fence, but she didn't jumped down. She looked scared and nervous.

I then remembered she was afraid of heights

I smirked

"Want me to help?" I said to her and she looked at me and nodded slowly. I put my backpack onto the floor again and I walked over to her and I stick my hand out

"Do you trust me?" I said and she didn't respond

"Grab my hand, I'll catch you" I said and she slowly grabs my hand. I pulled her hand and she landed on my arms with me carrying her bridal style.

I looked at her eyes and I was memorized

We stare into each other eyes and I swear she looked so beautiful right now for some reason.

I looked away and put her down on the ground. I grabbed my backpack on the ground but I noticed her jeans were ripped near her waist and it was showing her skin

I picked up my backpack and I put it over her right shoulder to cover the rip

"Since I helped you, you need to help me now. Carry my backpack for me" I smiled at her and walked away

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