28) "Teach me"

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Natalie POV

"Hey Nat!" Nina came up to me as I opened my locker "Hi" I responded "Are you going to the senior night tonight?" She asked me and I shrugged "Ehh I don't know. I have college applications to do and I have homework" I said

"But it's a senior night!" She said and I saw Lauren walking towards me "Hey babe" she said. I saw how she wanted to kiss me so I just brush my hand on her hand. "Ahh I'll leave you two alone" Nina winked at me

"So are you going to the senior night?" Lauren said and I shrugged "I honestly don't know" I said and she pouted "But I'll be performing and I want you too come support" she said "Ok, I'll go" I giggled and she jumped "But you need to pick me up" I said "Deal" she winked

The bell ranged for class and we both pouted

We waited until the hallways get cleared and once it got cleared, Lauren immediately hugged me and I laugh

"Ughh I miss you" she said

"I miss you too and now hurry up we're gonna be late" I said wiggling out of her grip "I love you" she said "I love you too" I smiled

"Goodbye kiss?" She smirked and I kiss her lips and then I walked to class quickly


"What you gonna wear?" Nina said "I honestly don't know" I sigh "It's just senior night" I shrugged "Everyone is going to be there...mostly because of Lauren" She added "How did you and Lauren even became a thing? You guys are opposite" she said lying on the bed with

"To be honest, I don't know" I giggled

"Well, opposites attracts" Nina said going through my closet "Omg this is perfect!" She said pulling out a dress

"No" I said




"It's too revealing" I said

"Then why did you have it?" She said

She has a point...

"Fine I'll wear it" I groan and went to the restroom. I change into the dress and look at myself in the mirror. I look pretty good...

"Um Nat?" I heard Nina "Yeah?" I said looking at myself "Lauren's car just pulled up in your driveway" Nina said and I rush to clean my room "Get out from the back door" I said pushing Nina "Ok love you see you tonight" Nina hugged me and I hugged her back

Lauren knocked on my door and I clean myself up

"Hi- woahhhh" She checked me out and looked up and down at me. I smiled "Hi, and you look good too" I said while letting her in. "I know, I always look good" she said and I hugged her tightly

"Let's go, because I have a performance to do" she said holding my hand and drove us to the school.

Once we arrived, we separated our ways and I tried looking for Nina. I saw her near the food station and I went up to her "Hi!" I said "Wow you actually came" she said and I chuckled

"Now give it up for Lauren Jauregui!" Everyone cheered and clapped their hands for her. She had a guitar and played it while signing

During the whole performance she couldn't stop staring at me and I couldn't stop staring at her. I smiled and she gave me a wink

Once she was done, she went to the party floor where everyone was after her. She took pictures and sign autographs with her fans

"Still don't know how you dating a celebrity" Nina said "Me either" I said and chuckled "Wanna dance?" I turned around and saw Demi "Demi!" I gave her a hug

"Sure, but I'm very bad at dancing" I said "It's fine" she said and we walked to the dance floor having fun

We didn't do anything too dirty dancing, we just had fun. "My turn" Lauren said coming up to us "Fine" Demi said and said goodbye to me and then walked away

"Hi Bambi" she said and I laughed "Hi Lolo" I smiled. We began dancing and having fun at the party.


"Okay, senior night was FUN!" Lauren said as she went inside my house "Yup, and I glad I joined" I said laying down on my bed. "Hey I'm going to use your restroom real quick" she said and I nodded

I saw Lauren's guitar on my table and I decided to bring it on my bed. I sat down on my bed and play with a few strings. I smiled as it made sounds

"Wanna play?" Lauren said and I jumped

I saw Lauren leaning on my door and walking towards me

"That was fast" I said and she chuckled

She sit down behind me and put me onto her lap "So, you need to move you finger on this string" She said and I followed her directions

"Now play" she said and I move my hand making the guitar make a nice sound

"Now just follow my hand" She put her hand in top of my hands and start moving

"This is one of my songs, expectations, but just a guitar version" she said and I nodded

"This is fun Lolo" I chuckled and she kissed me cheek

"I'm glad you're enjoying it because I'm enjoying any moment with you Bambi" She said while pulling out a box

I pull out a gold necklace and put it onto Natalie

"A necklace?" She said "Yeah I bought it like last month and I didn't know when is the right time to give it you so I give it to you now" I said and she smiled

"But I don't have anything for you Lolo" she pouted

"Having you is already the best gift ever my Bambi"

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