Chapter 3

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It was the afternoon before my first day of UA and I decided to go train, free running from the opposite side of my neighbourhood to my house with a 10 minute time limit.

Free running for fun but also for speed, flexibility, and agility training, its also a hobby of mine that I first started at the age of 8.

Running at an incredible jumping with little effort (no mean to flex) doing handsprings from roof tops to roof tops forward and back flipping off of buildings swinging on power lines like a ninja all with a big grin on my face.

Swining from the last powerline into my bedroom grabbing the time and clicking it off looking at my time.

"5 minutes and 32 seconds!! New record! Woohoo." I cheer before a sudden urge to sleep overcomes me making me face plant falling asleep instantly.

(2 hours later)

"YOOO RIKO!" My brother Rin barges into my room meanwhile I'm faceplanted on the fall.

"Yeah what is it?" I mumble in response dust getting in my mouth making me gag, Rin hurts into a fit laughing and pointing at me.

"*laughs* you*laughs*look FUCKINGDUMB bahahaha." He struggles to say.

Getting up off of the ground I grab a pillow from my bed and hit Rin with it repeatedly making him laugh even harder.

"STOP FUCKING LAUGHING ALREADY! AND TELL ME WTF U BARGED IN HERE FOR!!" I say in the scariest calm tone I could msuter, Rin stops laughing immediately a sweat drop forcing in his forehead.

"uh-um your letter from UA is here." I pat his head in response he handed me the letter and left swiftly to avoid my rock hard pillows.

I open the letter to find a circular device? I'm not too sure myself to be hones-

"I AM HERE!" a holographic All Might pops out of the circular thing confusing me.

"All Might?" I mumble, why would he pop out that thing he doesn't work at UA unless of course...

"Young Yami,
on the written exam you passed with flying colours in record time! Though I expect non less from you. On the practical exam you scared a total of 90 hero points! Putting you in 1st place! Well done young Yami and welcome to your hero academia." All Might takes a bow and disappears the device self destructing.

I stand there with a big goofy smile on my face before running down stairs like a kid on Christmas day shouting "I got in! I got in!

"CONGRATULATIONS NII-CHAN." yell Tobi and Hanare hugging my legs making me smile.

"Thank you my cute little siblings!" i say cuddling them.

"We knew you could do it Riki!" shouted Misoka and Mikasa in unison before engulfing me in a hug.

"Oof c-can't b-breathe..." They pull away from me whacking my shoulder in a 'friendly manner'.

"We're all just so proud of you Riki though we never doubted you but still! Mom and Dad will be so happy to hear the news when there home!" Mikasa tells me with a big smile on her face making me and my other siblings excluding Rin smile.

"RIKO!!." Rin jumps from the stairs on to my shoulders giving me an overboard hug.

"Hey hey get off of me you moron!" I yell but to no avail he's still hugging me and dramatic tears form in his eyes.

"I'm just so glad I have such great siblings! I promise to not fail next year! Rin exclaims determination in his eyes.

I pat his back in response both my older twin siblings and younger twin siblings chuckling at Rin and I before we all head to the table for breakfast.

Misoka pulls 6 bowls out of the cupboard and places 3 different boxes of cereal Infront of us, the younger twins having Reeses puffs, Rin having cheerios, the older twins deciding on special k and me being me grabs a can of monster out of the fridge and heads to the balcony for a smoke making my siblings all sigh.

"THAT'S GANNA KILL YOU ONE DAY~" Misoka and Mikasa chorus in unison while Rin says nothing cause knowing him.... He probably smokes as well whilst the babies continue to eat their cereal happily.

I open the door and sit in the balcony putting my can of monster on the table rolling my cancerous stick and smoke it while scrolling threw my phone checking the latest hero articles and not surprising almost every single article is about All Might though not undeserved at all, he is a great hero in my opinion a true role model.

Finishing up my cigarette I enter the house hearing my siblings bickering yet again about what I think was the anime naruto Rin claiming Itachi could beat Madara at full health while Misoka disagrees, meanwhile Mikasas helping the twins with their food.

Going to the fridge I take out a piece of savoury pie from last night's dinner and devour it.

"Imma go hit the gym gotta work on my strength." my siblings all nodded before returning to what they were doing.

Heading outside I go to my family's personal gym (my parents are pros ofc we are at least a little...... Rich) getting inside I imidiately drop to the ground doing 50 pushups, then 50 clap pushups taking it even further I do 50 handstand pushups taking a 10 second break I continue my work out by doing 75 situps, 200 squats, before heading to the weights area.

Grabbing two 50lb dumbells using those for 5 minutes before going to do bench presses managing to beat my previous record of 110 lbs to 150.

"Not bad... *pants slightly* maybe I should jump rope or something now." going with that I grab a skipping rope and skip for 15 minutes before deciding to go run up and down the stairs of the gym.

Putting in my earbuds I go to my Spotify play list deciding to listen to "Unsainted" by Slipknot and get to work finishing half an hour later.

"Right I think that does it for today, gotta be in tip top shape for UA though its no joke."

"You're absolutely right it isn't!" The cheery voice of Misoka echos through the empty gym startling me.

"Misoka you startled me!" He laughs and waves his hand in dismissle.

"How long have you been here?" I asked him.

"Only about the whole time I was practising my stealth." I roll my eyes at him.

"Whatever you say weirdo anyway imma get out of here I need a smoke and a shower." Shaking his head we both head back home.

Stopping on the balcony I sit their chuffing on my cigarette before climbing the roof to get into my room via window jumping through and going to my bathroom that I also share with Mikasa and Hanare.

After my shower I jump into bed and fall asleep instantly dreaming of nothing.

Yami [BNHA/MHA Fanfic] (Shinso x OC) Where stories live. Discover now