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|Chloe's POV|



"Would you move from my spot?"

"This is yours spot? Oh, I'm sorry. I am new so I didnt-"

"It's fine. I will just sit next to you."

"No, I can move, it's not a-" Before I could even finish the sentence, the gurl sat next to me. It is my first day in highschool and I already messed up. Ahhhh.... How embarrassing!

"Are you okey?"

"Yes........" I said tiredly and then whispering said that I guess. I think she noticed so she asked what did I say.


Then the professor came and everyone became silent. Just second earlier the class was loud and annoying.

"Class, we have new student. Her name is Chloe Takahashi. She is from New York. Chloe, would you like to introduce yourself?"

And say what, moron? You already said everything important, asshole. Would should I even say now? Hey, I'm Chloe. Chloe Takahashi. No. That sounds like a lame version of James Bond. I gotta be cool like:Heyo fellas, this is Chloe Takahashi! What's up?

No. That's horrible. Maybe I should start with a polite gesture like: Hello, I'm Chloe. If you have a problem, call me. I will help you. Wow. I sound like a rapist. Great. I don't even know how to introduce myself. This is so embarrassing...



"Take your time."


"But not to long. I have a lesson to do."


"My name is Chloe. And I... Ahmm.... I........ Khm Khm...... I am glad........ahhhhh..........tch...........I am glad to be here.............. Ahmmmm........"

"Thats enough, Chloe. Thank you. Please sit down and let's start with a lesson."

Well, that didn't go how I planned. I could hear others giggling behind my backs. It felt horrible.

"I'm Hana."

"Ah?"  The girl that is sitting next to me just told me hear name. Ah, she is talking to me? After our little argue? Ah, she is so cuteeeeee!!!!!

The lesson lasted forever. But when it finnaly ringed I tried to talk to Hana again but she putted her airpods and completely ignored me. Great. The only person who talked to me now isn't talking to me.

"Hey, Chloe!" Ah? Someone is calling my name? OMG! OMG! Play cool. Play cool. Play cool. You can do it.

"Yo. My name is Miyako. I'm the icon of this school."

Icon? You can be icon of the school? I didn't know that?

"Yes, she is like a big deal here, so don't mess with her."

"Or she will crash you."

"Girls, Girls! Calm down. Anyway sweetheart. Welcome to our highschool. Just don't come in my way, and I won't cut yours."

And then they left. Wow. These girls are mean. That Miyako is such a bitch. I know I shouldn't judge her because I just met her but.... But she is a bitch.

New lesson started and this continued for whole day. Damn. I really hate this school. I was so happy it is over that I jumped of excitement when the last bell ranged.


"Ah, Hi!" I am so happy. Hana is talking to me again. Geez. Why did I become so obsessed with her?

"Ignore Miyako and her group of plastic barbies. They will leave you alone if you don't bother them. Well, see ya tomorrow." She then turned around and started walking away.

Quick. Say something cool. Hmmm... like:"You got it, girl!"

Idiot! She turned to gave me a weird look and then just walked away. You got it, girl? The fuck?! I could have just said thanks or bye. But no. I needed to mess things up more than they are now. Ah.... At least is over for today. Thank god.

When I came home papa made me lunch and I sat on the table silently.

"Is there something wrong with the food?"


"First day of highschool didn't go well?"

"Kind a....."

"Did you make any knew friends?"

"I guess...."

"You met many new people. It must have been exciting?"


Papa stayed quiet now. I guess he realised I didn't want to talk about it.

|Katsuki's POV|

I had a feeling she won't fit in right away. I just hope she won't get in to big troubles.

"Katsuki. Can you come for a sec."

"Sure." I stood up and approached to Deku. I looked at him confused because he was dressed so fancy and shit. Suit and tie, brushed hair, washed, I am wondering where is he going?

"What do you need?" I asked.

"Come with me." He grabbed my hand and pulled me with him. He walked pretty fast so it was hard keeping up with him.

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