Chapter 1

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Today is November 9. Its also the day my mom died.

My mom was my everything. She was one of my best friends. One of the most important people in my life.

And now she's gone.

I don't know what will happen to me and my sister, Baylee. Where will we go? I have an uncle in Georgia, but he and my mom were never close. It's always been just us.

No family.

As my sister and I sit in a large building located in downtown Raleigh, waiting to hear what will happen to us, my mind erupts with so many different thoughts of where we will go.

Will we be placed in the state's custody until we turn 18 or do they know where our family members are? Can they contact my uncle in Georgia? Did my mom have a will ?

Probably not, seeing as she was only 35.

I have been crying for four hours and I'm pretty sure all my tears are gone.

Baylee has been staring off into space since we arrived here. I'm sure this is a shock to her and the grief will hit her sooner or later.

Oh gosh, I hope they don't separate us. What would I do without my other half? I already lost my mom, I can't lose Baylee too.

"Baylee and Brianna Barton?" A woman in a white blouse and a pencil skirt walk into the room and looks around.

I look up and I see Baylee do the same.

"Yes?" My voice croaks. I haven't spoke much all day.

"Can you please come back with me? We have to discuss your situation." the lady says.

I don't say anything, only stand up and follow her. I walk beside Baylee and we follow the lady through lots of hallways with many different doors until she stops and opens one of the doors, motioning us inside.

It's a small, dim lit room with a table and three chairs.

I take a seat in one of the chairs and Wait for the lady to speak.

" First off, I would like to introduce myself. I am Lisa. I'm sure you two have been informed about Lydia and Frank Monroe.. Am I right?" She says.

Lydia and Frank Monroe? The names don't sound familiar.

She must have seen the look of confusion on my face.

"Nobody has mentioned them to you?" She asks.

"No Ma'am." I use my manners.

"We only have a limited amount of time so I'll have to do this quickly. Your parents have already written a will and they wish for you and your sister to stay with the Monroe's. Our services have already contacted the family and they have agreed to let you come live with them. Do you understand?" She says quickly.

Wait what? I don't think I have ever met these people and they want me to go and live with them ? Why did my mom never mention these people to me? Where do they live?

"They should be here in about an hour to pick you up and take you to your house to gather your things." Lisa says.

"Where do they live?" Baylee speaks for the first time.

"I believe they are from Kansas" she smiles.

KANSAS?! I can't move to Kansas. I have friends here.

Mom, why did you have to leave? I feel a tear slip down my cheek.

"What about a funeral? She can't just not have a funeral!" I say.

"Your mom had a funeral trust account so her funeral is covered for. It looks like she was ready to die." she jokes.

Not funny. I really just want to leave this room. I can't stand this woman.

"We will mail you when the funeral date is set." she stands up and walks over to the door, showing us out.

I grab Baylee's hand and we walk with Lisa to a different room. Lisa waits with us in there for about twenty minutes until a woman with bright blonde hair walks into the room. She looks to be around my moms age, maybe a few years older.

"Lydia Monroe?" Lisa asks.

"Yes." the woman, who I'm guessing is Lydia walks over to us.

"Look at you two ! You have grown so much ! I'm so sorry for your loss and I'm not going to say I know what it feels like to be alone, but I will say I will do everything I can to help you get through this. Your mother was a wonderful woman." she embraces us in a hug.

Even though I don't know her, I can't help but hug back.

"Ahhmm" Lisa coughs awkwardly and we pull away.

"We just need you to sign a few papers and your free to leave" she pulls out a folder and hands a stack of papers, as well as a pen, to Lydia.

I watch as Lisa goes though the papers, discussing what they say and all, but I don't pay any attention until a paper is put in front of me.

"Sign here" Lisa says.

I do as I'm told and ten minutes later we are leaving the building.

"Please feel free to talk to me anytime about anything. I don't want to replace your mother, but I do want to be there for both of you.

"You probably don't remember me because you were only about three the last time I saw you, but I had known your parents for twenty years and they were both amazing people." She doesn't specifically bring up my parents death, but I know she's thinking about it.

"Thank you Mrs. Monroe. It means a lot to know your going to be there for us" I thank her.

"Oh, call me Lydia." she tells us, pulling onto our street.

"okay, Lydia." I smile at her.

"Are you alright back there Baylee?" she looks back at Baylee through the mirror.

"Yes ma'am." Baylee says.

"You sure are quiet. There's no need to feel shy. I really just want to help" she gives a sympathetic look.

"I know. I'm just thinking." Baylee responds.

"She doesn't talk much," I inform Lydia.

Lydia pulls into our driveway and we get out, walking up to the door.

"I have a key." Lydia hands us a key to my house. Well, it's not my house anymore. I don't know what's going to happen to it..

"Thanks" I thank Lydia.... Again.

"Anytime." She says as we go inside and begin to pack up some of our things.


Yeah, I know it's short but it's all I have right now. 10 votes for the next chapter...Comment what you think (: I like to hear from you guys. And don't forget to fan :D !

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