Chapter 2

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"Before we get to Kansas, I think there's something you should know." Lydia tells me after we have been driving for about two hours. I don't even think Baylee is still awake.

"What is it?" I ask curiously.

"Well, I have a few kids of my own....." She pauses, looking at me.

"Really? How many?" I ask. I've never really had any other siblings besides Baylee and it might be nice to have someone else to talk to. I'm always getting crazy and fun ideas but Baylee always says they're to dangerous. I might have someone else to have fun with.

"Nine.." She says quietly, but I still hear her.

Nine ? Nine... Did I hear right.

"Nine!?" I ask, astonished. That's a lot of kids...

"Yeah. But don't worry, I know this will be a big change, but I'm sure they will like you." She reassures me.

"Okay. Tell me a little but about them." I try to stay positive but it's hard knowing I will be living with eleven people I don't really know. The house is probably crowded enough without Baylee and me there, I hate to make it even more crowded.

"Then theres Isaac. He is 20 and a sophomore in college. We don't see much of him because he goes to college in Texas.

"Next comes Conner, Carter, and Caleb. They're my triplets and they are 18. All seniors in high school.

"Next is Liam. Liam's a junior on the football team and he's 17.

"Then there's Luke. He's your age- 16. I'll try and get your schedule for school to match his so he can show you around. And he's on the baseball team.

"Dylan is 14 and he plays basketball. He can be a bit of a jerk, but don't let him get to you. You know how 14 year old boys can be , right?

Lucas is 12 and he's just your average 12 year old.

"My youngest is Noah and he's 9. He is always getting into things he isn't supposed to so don't be surprised if he bothers you, just come and get me and I'll handle it" she finishes.

"That's all of them?" I ask.

"Yeah." She nods her head.

"They're all boys." I stated.

"Yeah" she says, looking at my reaction.

"Well I'm not sure what to think. Do you think they will like me?" I ask.

She chuckles.

"I don't see why they wouldn't."

"Well okay. I hope I can do this." I say nervously.

"Im sure you can" she tells me as a yawn.

"You can go to sleep. We won't be there for a few more hours." She informs me.

"Ok" I say, yawning again and leaning back in my seat and closing my eyes.


"Baylee. Madison." I hear a voice.

"Mmph" I roll over in my bed. Wait, this doesn't feel like my bed.

My eyes shoot open. Where the he-oh. That's right. I'm on my way to Kansas to live with nine boys.

"We're here." Lydia tells us.

"What time is it?" I ask in a sleepy voice.

"3:15" she tells me.

"In the morning?" Why did I ask that? Duhh in the morning. I'm so stupid when I'm half asleep.

"Yes." She replies.

I get out of the car and balance myself. I've been sitting down for to long and I almost lost my balance.

Instead of grabbing my bags, she tells me that Walter will get them and for me and Baylee to follow her. I'm to sleepy right now to figure out who Walter is. I can do that tomorrow.

I follow her inside and that's when I realize I'm about to piss my pants.

"Excuse me but can you show me where the bathroom is?" I ask.

"Sure thing. Follow me." She leads me up some stairs and around some corners and opens a door for me.

"Thanks." I mumble sleepily.

As I'm washing my hands I realize what a fancy bathroom this is. It's also really big.

I walk out and see both Lydia and Baylee waiting for me. Baylee walks into the bathroom and is out a few minutes later. Lydia leads us through a few more hallways and into a large room.

"I apologize for not having any other rooms available at the moment. I need to put sheets on another bed, which I will do tomorrow and we can also decorate your rooms soon. But tonight this is all I have." She unmakes the bed for us.

"Thank you." Baylee says as I lie down.


must. Sleep

Baylee also gets into the bed and before I know it I drift off into a dreamless sleep.


Super short chapter ! But I hope you enjoy it :) don't forget to Vote !(:

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2013 ⏰

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