English Version

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Overcome by this wonderful feeling of being able to live forever, to endure everything, to be able to do everything I want, really everything. Butterflies in my stomach and head only he, he who took my heart and put all the broken pieces together again. He who pulled me out of the deep black hole. He who kisses me and takes me to seventh heaven and makes my heart beat so fast. He, who saves me with his hugs and with his smile, his so sweet smile, makes me forget everything that keeps me sane. He, who drives me crazy when he watches me with his warm eyes and tenderly bites his lower lip. He, whom I have loved for so long. He, who made me wait so long and who makes me believe that he and this feeling will never leave me from now on. He who tells me that he loves me more than anything.

But then suddenly, nothing, darkness, despair, pain, a pain and grief driving me crazy, or is it anger after all? This jealousy I feel in every inch of my body and the hatred makes me shudder. My heart again in pieces, tiny little particles that I can no longer find and put them back together. I no longer feel comfortable anywhere, not even in the arms of friendship, which are so generously opened to me by so many. Only thousands and thousands of questions in my head, which will burst any second. Why did this happen? How am I to understand it? Why is he doing this to me? What does she have that I don't have? But the love that I feel, this intimate, strong indescribable, beautiful love still lies deep, so deep, inside of me. But does it still lie inside of him? Does he still feel about me what I feel about him? Shall we still try it? Can we still try it? Can we do it again? No. Apparently not.

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