Case File - Lucas Bielefelt (act 1-1)

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His orders were clear and simple.

Find the young man called Lucas Bielefelt, ask him of his father's final details, and stay in the campus of the House of Law where he shall stay on guard for Bielefelt's safety.

Officially, he would act the young Bielefelt's bodyguard in campus under the witness protection program in secrecy.

When Rodney Ambrose, a yound 25 year old soldier of the black ops Reptilian Squad platoon 10, pressed for further questions of the job he was tasked with, his sargeant replied bluntly as he stacked his paperwork to the side of his desk.

"There's nothing more you need to know."

This ruffled Rodney the wrong way.

"Sir, permission to object."

"Denied, Ambrose."

Rodney was one with a stern look to his brow, and as his scowl deepened, a shadow casted over his eyes further exaggerating his irritation.

"Look, Ambrose."

The sargeant sighed as he pulled out a cigar from the depths of his drawers, and along with it an ashtray made of silver steel which he placed the opposing side of his paperworks.

"You were very young when you enlisted into the Cold Blood program. Granted, your predecessors were made Reptiles from birth, but assimilation of the Cold Blood was not planned for children such as yourself. You proved yourself a capable soldier, but you are still first and foremost, a natural human.

"And as a natural human, I think it is time that you put past whatever pushed you to enlist into this program, and live as a regular young man of your age."

Rodney once again scoffed.

"Sir, permission t-"

"Denied, Ambrose."

Wasting not a breath, Sargeant Poth cut him short and lit the cigar, no longer in the mood to argue with one of his soldiers.

"Think of this as a paid leave. Extra academic training, if you must. Educate yourself, stretch your wings, and come back a fresh man. Can you do that for me, Rodney?"

The tinge of emotion he had not seen since the day his brother left home moved Rodney, compelling him to stay his tongue.

Thinking back, he joined the Company when he was only 15 at the advice and last words of his father. Though this was not to him, but his older brother.

He trained under rigorous situations that would make a grown man cry in agony, underwent chemical and genetic modifications that made his insides churn as if he were being burnt from the inside out.

The end result was a body far superior to a regular man.

And his journey to being this super soldier led him through a few minor campaigns, one of which gave him a long scar on his forehead which he now concealed underneath his cotton cap.

Rodney looked to his gloved hands; hands that once held down a man, twice his size, by the neck before slitting it with a combat dagger.

Powerful tools of wars that know not what the common folk do in daily life.

Now seeing his commanding officer's point, Rodney sighed deeply before reaching forward for his mission files.

"Fine, be that way."

With a slight smirk, Sargeant Poth said as he handed the file; "Is that how you answer to your commanding officers?"

Rodney sighs again, then chuckles.

"Sir, yes sir."

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