Soccer Boys

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I was standing around outside the apartment door. I knocked quietly waiting for my twin brother to answer the door.

I haven't seen him in 2 months.

I felt like a little rat hiding in the dark for these past dreadful months.

My brother answers the door shirtless and in sweatpants, he must have had practice.

"Delaney!" He screamed hugging me.

"Emmett hi!" I said back to him.

"I've missed you so much sis!" Emmett said smiling as he waved for me to step inside.

I walked inside the apartment and shut the loud door behind me.

It was a Friday evening in the month of April. So my brother had school and then soccer practice.

We were both 17 years old and leaving in an apartment without our parents. Well I mean I now moved back in of course.

So that meant I have to go back to school. I was being tutored while I was at the most horrible place on earth. So I just had to start up regular school again.

That would be on Monday, and I had left in February. I couldn't wait to see my boyfriend Josh. He was 18 and a senior, me one grade behind him.

Josh was the perfect boyfriend. I loved him so much.

I was also excited to see my best friend Laura. I missed her too.

But I still had Saturday and Sunday to get through with Emmett.

I kinda feel bad for him, leaving him for 2 months in an apartment by himself.

Our parents got divorced leaving us with our mom one weekend and our dad the other. We were only 14 years old.

Then my dad got cancer causing us to only live with our mother. She was still cruel when he was alive and they got divorced then, but yet when he died when we were 15, everything changed.

My mom became a druggy afterward. She OD 2 times before the third. It was a week after our 16th birthday. She went into a massive coma, she's still in the hospital today.

You would think I wouldn't follow in her footsteps right? Who does something like that after it slowly is killing their mother?

Well right now I'm asking myself those same questions.

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