Now what?

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" well I was wondering what's the matter with your knee," he asked. I looked at me knee." Nothing I'm fine," I lied. He gave me a look." If you were fine you wouldn't be limping," he said. I guess he had a point I do need to say something." Ok fine a kid during math just barely flipped me chair while I was in it," I said." Do you need ice,"he asked. I shook my head no. He sat down and I sat down next to him." Are you to dating izzy because I thought you and chase were," a guy with blue eyes said. It's hayes." No we broke up last year," I said." So are you to dating or nah," he asked. I looked at hyrum and he wasn't paying attention so j got up and walked away pulling hyrums hand with me." Im taking that as a yes," he said running off." What is he taking as a yes," hyrum asked." That me and you are dating he won't leave me alone whenever im with a guy." I looked down then back at him." Why." He asked sitting down." Because last year I was dating his best friend then I broke up with him because my dad almost found out because they would come to my house," I said starting to cry." Then that day I broke up with him he always hurts me, he abuses me and flips me in chairs and now my mom has died so they make fun of me my only friend is you and my best friend Kat who isn't talking to me right now." I started whipping tears away when. Hyrum pulled me into a hug. He hugged me then let go." Im sorry all of this has to happen to you it must be hard to show your face after that." I nodded in agreement because if I said anything I would most likely cry. I wiped the rest of the tears away and sat next to him. He looked at me and I looked at him. All of a sudden I get pulled into the hallway by something. I look at their face and see hayes then hyrum pulls him away from me." You to are dating if you weren't then he wouldn't have cared that you got pulled away," he said. I went to say something but hyrum stopped me by pulling me away."let him think what he wants," he said." But what is chase goes after you," I ask." He won't and if he does he. Won't hurt me," he said. I nodded and we walked back into class. I sat down and then they called our cast on stage. Then I saw chase stick his head into the auditorium that we were in. Hyrum was on the other side of the room so it doesn't matter. I tried to ignore it.

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