
23 1 3

We are eating dinner with my parents and they haven't said anything about the adopting thing. I finished my food and walked upstairs and got my phone out. I put everyone in a group chat including cole, Kat, hyrum, chase, hayes,Dazhay and Abie.
I- why haven't my parents said anything.
C- give them a minute.
I- if they don't say anything what's going to happen.
C- I know they will say something about it stop freaking out.
H- my parents haven't said anything about me and nash.
A- nothing.
All of a sudden my parents speak up." So how was your day," my mom asks. I couldn't hold it in anymore. I get up but cole gave me a look to sit down so I did." Are you ok isabel," my mom asks. I smiled." Yes I'm fine but can you give me a moment," I asked. My mom shook her head. I got up and ran up the stairs. Kat met me at the window. I let her in and we both walked downstairs. My mom doesn't care if Kat's at our house because she's like another one of her daughters. I sat down and Kat sat down next to cole. Of course. We finished eating and still nothing from our parents. Me, Kat and cole went upstairs to my room and I shut the door." Okay I can stand this Kat you like cole and cole you like Kat why don't you ask her out already before I regret letting you to meet," I said. At first there was complete silence." Do you want to be my girlfriend," cole asks." Yes I would love to," Kat said. They hugged it was kinda cute. Still gross tho. My parents called us downstairs and Kat went home." Yes mom," cole said." I have something to tell you guys," she said." You guys were adopted and now are going to live in California with your real parents." Took her long enough. I ran upstairs and I was shocked I really am leaving my boyfriend now what are we gonna do. Are we still going to be together.
Sorry to leave you on a cliffhanger again. Vote and comment.
❤️ isabel❤️

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