10. Britain

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Note: Can you guys comment on the chapters. It's just me trying to gage people's feelings and opinions. I like feedback.


Britain was sad and dismayed.

He simply watched as Alex cried. He never thought he'd see the day where she would shed a tear, and here she was sobbing like an infant. He only watched and let small droplets fall out of his eyes, trying to hold back his own tears. He didn't know what to do. He didn't know how to help his


Amazonian. That was the name that he privately called Alex. They represented fierce women who were known to be independent and confident. That's what Britain saw in Alex. Someone fierce and independent . So to sit here and see her releasing all of her pent up emotion as anger and heart wrenching sobs brought him to a point of helplessness.
Britain decided to do something that Alex had only done for him so far. Britain cautiously got down from his position. And slowly approached her still convulsing form.

One thing that Britain learned about her is that she hated being snuck up on, and it had almost earned him a broken hand the week before. When he finally reached her, she looked up , and her face broke his heart.

Her curly black hair was a mess, messily falling down in different directions. Her eyes were profusely leaking salty water, the streams staining her cheeks were now red and obviously tender. But her expression was one in need of comfort. Her eyes were wide and were desperately pleading for help.

Britain held out his arms and was immediately pulled into her crushing embrace. He didn't mind that she was hugging him, but he could definitely tell that she had gotten stronger. But he simply did his best to rub her back and shush her, and she cried into his chest and slowly soaked his shirt. He did his best to comfort and console her as her loud sobs pierced the now freezing air, snow heavily falling on their embracing frames.


Alex was pretty sure she was getting sick.
They were now walking back to her dorm room, snow falling in heavy torrents on their heads. Britain was slowly walking her back to the warmth of her residence hall. Alex was appreciative of him walking her back. If he hadn't come out here to find her, she would've probably stayed out here all night.

Alex felt really atrocious . She'd broken a vow that she made to herself. She couldn't believe that she'd gone seven years without crying. Seven years without showing weak emotions. Seven years since she'd been genuinely happy. She hung her head even lower when she thought about that. She probably made Britain uncomfortable around her now. He was probably gonna bolt as soon as they got back. As they slowly trudged through the snow, Alex also realized something.

She was hungry.

Her stomach confirmed this by growling out loud, loud enough for her to know that he'd heard it. She didn't like being this hungry, because it made her irritable, snappy, and rude. Most of the time she'd simply swallowed it and continued like it'd didn't exist, but this time she needed something  to eat, since punching a tree can take a lot out of you.

As they trudged back to her residence hall, her hand leaking yet being ignored by its owner, she began to contemplate her emotions. See Alex was never one to blow up or show out a lot, but when she did, people did good to remember and took mental note of said incident.

November 12, 2013

You ever just been harassed.

Well that's what it felt like. Alex was presently walking, peeved at the people following her. Alex's face was a light shade of pink, a clear indication of her flaring temper, but the people behind her hadn't noticed that. Well no one ever did really.

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