New Year Same Me

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You always liked to make New Years resolutions. It was a way to try and better yourself. Well that's what people want you to believe since they have never worked. For the past 4 years you and your bestfriend Matthew have kept the same ones that can't fail. Those are: Stay friends, and eat maple syrup. You really can't go wrong with those but you wanted to add another one.

Over the past few years you've grown closer to the shy Canadian and couldn't help but to fall for him. Since it was new years eve you decided it would be the perfect day to ask him since he could be your first kiss of the new year. You couldn't help but be a bit cheesy since he was your best friend.

"Y/N... if you keep spacing out you'll miss the  fireworks" the Canadian mutters as you both sat on a picnic blanket, looking towards the night sky to wait for the fireworks. Every year they host a New Year's event at the park so you guys end up always going there for the fireworks even though its winter.

"Matty you worry to much, if you keep it up I'll just have to pretend to forget your name" you tease, knowing you're practically the only one who says his name. It wouldn't surprise you if the other countries knew it but never needed to say it cause he's so quiet.

You lean your head on his shoulder and look towards the sky. There was less than two minutes till the end of the year and you were still contemplating how exactly to tell him your new resolution.

"I'd rather you not forget my name... you're really important to me" he whispers only barely reaching your ears.

As blush forms on both of your faces the loud speakers go on and a voice talks over it.

Ladies and gentlemen we have one minute until the new year

Looking towards Matthew you decide to speak up.

"For this year how about we make a new resolution?" You ask, moving off his shoulder to look at his face.

"What do you mean a new one?" He says confused, looking towards you with his violet eyes.


30 seconds till the new year

He tilts his head a bit, his curl looking as if it bounced. Smiling you poke his nose.

"How about we make a resolution that we will ask out the person we love?" You say, blushing more.

"Oh... I didn't know you liked someone. Sure if that's what you want then" he answers a bit sadly.




"Matty can I ask you something?"




"What is it Y/N"




"Will you go out with me?"



You feel a soft pair of lips gently meet yours as fireworks burst in the air. Your eyes close as you kiss him back, this time pressing your lips to his more. It seems to overwhelm  the Canadian who grabs your shoulders as if to almost stop you. Pulling away you chuckle and gaze into his eyes.

"Uh... well I mean. Of course I will" he mumbles embarrassed.

"Good cause that means our resolution won't fail this year either. How about we gather our things and go to your favorite waffle place. We need to have some maple syrup" you state before kissing his forehead.

Embarrassed he nods before saying "Happy New Year Y/N"

"Happy New Year Matty"

My New Year's Resolution (Canada x reader)Where stories live. Discover now