Part #1 The After-Party

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-(Y/n)s POV-

Your sleeping comfortably in your bed, you finally persuaded your mum to buy you some LED lights in your room. Then you hear "(Y/N)!!!! Wake up!" You groan and turn over and see your mom standing beside your bed smiling widely. "What? What is it?" You ask confused. "Me and Dad are going on a trip to Hawaii for three weeks!" You sat up excited. "We ArE!?" You start laughing and smiling and your mum says "Uhm.. Sweetie not you. Just me and your dad-" she was cut off by "What the- but that's not even fair and you know that!" She frowns at your pouting "I know but it'll be a one-in-a lifetime opportunity for me." You pause for maybe 6 seconds and sigh "Yeah... Okay.. Then who's gonna watch me ?" You say tilting your head "Well Keon of course."

Your heart drops as your face gets ready to argue about how irresponsible he is of a older brother but she says "No arguements. He is your older brother and you will respect and listen to him. Understood?" You look at her and flip over under your covers ignoring her angrily and you hear her walk over to the door and say "No friends over either. Unless Keon says it's okay." You smack your teeth from under the covers and try to go back to sleep and think 'but sometimes he acts weird...'. You do end up falling asleep.

-----------------In the evening--------------------

You rub your eyes to loud music booming outside of your room and you sit up confused and peek outside to see people making out in the halls and downstairs people drinking and talking. You get infuriated knowing whats going on and you stomp downstairs and you stop dead in your tracks as you see- 'him' you think to yourself 'luke. It's him. In MY house.' you've had a crush on him ever since you started highschool. Even though you know he doesn't even know you exist. But you've known him and your brother were friends- And then you realise it. Your wearing a baggy shirt with shorts on and your hair is a mess.

You get shocked and crouch down running back up the stairs to your room. As soon as you get in the room you start panicking 'what should i wear what should i wear??' Something casual yeah. Like you just woke up but in a cute way. So you rummage in your closet and put on your fuzzy black shorts, showing off your thighs. And then you put on your white long sleeve crop top- you look cute you think to yourself as your looking in the mirror-oof! 'But my hair' you think as you start brushing out your hair fastly and you put it up in a messy bun. Letting your baby hairs show, then you put a thin line of eyeliner on each eye and done! 'I should dress like this more often' you think to yourself-

you walk out your room and stomp down the stairs ready to confront your big brother. You look around, but you can't see him. You get nervous because all the drunk creeps are staring at you. You notice that you're familiar with half of the people here but don't really know them. And then you notice that their are also people outside around the pool and the benches. So you storm outside looking around and then- you see him. Making out with a girl. You stomp your way over to him as you shout "Keon!" He doesn't stop what he was doing "Keon!!" You say now standing behind him as he shoves the girl away from him, the girl scoffs and walks away, "what." He says, without emotion, you look into his icy blue eyes.

"What are you doing. Mum said NO parties and NO ONE comes over." He leans into my face and smirks "Yeah. But i also brought you something. So you still wanna snitch?" You were about to ask what he means when- "Heyy keon. I was- oh" you turn around and immediately you can feel my face heat up as you stumble backwards as your brother takes me by my shoulders "who's this?" Luke asks smiling. Your brother looks at you "this is my little sister. (Y/n)." Luke smirks at you "Well hi (y/n). My names Luke." You look at him blushing furiously "I-i know- I mean! I-i don't know! I-i mean!" You stammer as Keon pats your shoulder with one of his hands and says "She just has a hard time meeting new people. Social anxiety y'know?" He says to luke. Luke laughs and says "Ah cute." 'Cute?? He called me cute?? Or social anxiety is cute??' You think to yourself as keon says "well i think the partys over now. Wanna help me kick people out?"

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