💔Too broken💔

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Kuroo's pov
The streets are cold. The wind blows viciously against my face,grazing my white skin with much force . To the blind eye anyone can see my Tear stained cheeks and torn up clothes but whats hiding underneath my arm sleeves holds two red cuts lingering across my arms followed by A big dark hole more like a pit located where my heart is supposed to be. I feel as though I don't feel anything anymore, I feel as though I'm broken.
(Time skip)
I ran home fast after getting a text from my neighbor saying that my boyfriend was in my house for some reason, why would he be there? He didn't even text me that he was coming,maybe he's just trying to surprise me I thought. I ran around the corner of the dark quiet street to where my house is supposed to be and open the the brown and gold door ever so quietly, I hear screaming for my mother and banging of  glass shattering against the slightly cold floor, the aura surrounding my house is vicious and it's hitting me like 1000 rocks on the top of my head. I begin to run,following where the ear piercing  sound is coming from. Reaching the location I begin opening the door quietly, my breathing starts to grow heavy and my hearted starts to pound. Finally seeing everything infront of me I begin to  tear up,feeling my heart drop and my voice gradually turning into harsh voice cracking sobs "WHY BOKUTO!" No the screaming from my mother weren't screames of fear, NO THEY WERE SOMETHING WORSE! SCREAMS OF FUCKING PLEASURE! The glass hitting the floor weren't from something abusive no they were from the desk they were having sex on "HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME?!? I GAVE YOU EVERYTHING BOKUTO! AND MOTHER I DID EVERYTHING TO PROTECT YOU I THOUGHT YOU SAID THIS WOULD NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN!" Bokuto looked as if he didn't care while my mother started to tear up and turn the other way "kuroo sweetie?" She asked "what do you want" she look at me and frowned "GET OUT!" She screamed at me shocking both me and bokuto as he pulled out and began putting his grey jeans back on, I guess she didn't want me to stay, were am I supposed to go? Were am I supposed to live? I make up my mind and walk out of the room quietly and into my room to go pack. After I finished I ran out of the house. Before beginning to walk I turn around or last time to look at the house were I once knew and loved only  to see bokuto "listen kuroo, I don't love you...and don't worry I don't love your mother either, she seduced me but it didn't work I only did it with her to get her off my back" he looked up at me looking into deep into my eyes " WHY BOKUTO I GAVE YOU EVERYTHING?!? l-listen I understand if you don't want to be with me and I understand what happened with my mother but you could have broke up with me first..." he looked sad,for the first time in a while he actually felt bad "I'm sorry...I really am I just really fell in love with tsuki and I know after what you saw you probably need time but i really still want to be friends with you! So please if there's anything heart left in you please be my friends again!" I looked deep into his eyes and walked up to him "one more kiss before I go?" He looked at me and smiled "anything for you" I then grabbed his face and kissed him passionately forgetting everything around me, his lips were moving with mine moving together like the world was going to end any minute. When we pulled away  we began staring  into each other's eyes as we began to cry "l-look bokuto I forgive you, just please don't forget about what we had... I will be your friend.. but I still want you to treat as if I was your friend from the beginning and not as a piece of garbage please can you do that?" He smiled at me " of course kuroo" and with that he left me cold and alone. I began to walk listening to music feeling brittle and broken,
🖤play the song🖤
"I lost my will to live, no I can't find nothing,I'm to broken, too broken, to broken,to broken" I sang as the music passed through my ears gifting me with the beautiful melodies to heal my heart. I turn the corner of the dark street beginning to feel the actual pain kick in and I feel myself fade out feeling nothing but pain.
💜end of flash back💜
I make it to kenma's apartment,knocking On the little brittle door "come in" I hear a quiet voice say. As I walk in I feel so much different as if I want to lay on the floor right now and start sobbing till I can't breath, I turn the corner only to see kenma laying there in a pool of his own blood.

🌸this is getting too long so I'm going to cut it off right there🌸

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