a month later

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dear losers, i know what this must seem like, but this is not a suicide note. you're probably wondering why i did what i did. it's because i knew i was too scared to go back. and if we weren't together, if all of us alive weren't united, i knew we'd all die so, i made the only logical move. i took myself off the board. did it work? well, if you're reading this, you know the answer. i lived my whole life afraid. afraid of what would come next, afraid of what i might leave behind. don't. be who you want to be. be proud. and if you find someone worth holding onto, never ever let them go. follow your own path, wherever that takes you. think of this letter as a promise, a promise i'm asking you to make. to me. to each other. an oath.see, the thing about being a loser is you don't have anything to lose. so be true. be brave. stand. believe. and don't ever forget, we're losers and we always will be.

6:38 PM • 12/17/19 • Twitter for iPhone
19 Retweets 96 Likes

jane parkerindustries
i don't like the way your mind works
↳ arya shqwarma
     bold of you to assume my mind works in the first place

jay avrrodite
oh my god no

ً drvcomalfcy


happy llama
what was that

sad llama

happy llama
that's a direct attack

sad llama
what are you
talking about

happy llama

happy llama
direct attack

happy llama
i literally have not
finished wonder violet
yet, this is HARM

sad llama

sad llama
that's what you
deserve for not
reading wonder violet

happy llama
i l i ter ally hate you

sad llama
muah cum offer here
lemme giv u a kith

happy llama
soo cameron called
me back

happy llama
said he wants to
apologize in person

sad llama

sad llama
why didn't you tell
me earlier

happy llama
because i just hung
up with him two
minutes ago?

sad llama
what did he exactly say?

happy llama
idk something about
a secret he needs to
tell me?? he sounded
scared or something

sad llama
he's probably just
lying off his ass again

sad llama
when are you meeting
with him?

happy llama
tomorrow night

sad llama
do you want me
to be there?

happy llama
no it's okay

happy llama
i'll come over
when he leaves
and tell you about
what happened

sad llama
okay, be safe

happy llama
i will

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