Chapter One

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"You're a demon."

A month ago I thought the things I began to see were my breaking point but this... I couldn't wrap my head around that.

I wanted to run, to turn my back on the priest and bolt it out of the alleyway I was pulled into. Turn the corner, jump on the next train back home and hide in my apartment for the remainder of the week. But I grounded myself, I couldn't be risky.

The priest wore framed glasses, with light jade colored eyes. His attire wasn't anything like what the priest at the church near my job wore, his is nice black trench coat with loads of pockets. A pair of black shiny dress shoes and suit peaking form beneath the coat. From the brooch on his neck folds, he's not just a priest. He's a priest from True Cross Academy, an elite school that works as both a regular institute for studies and teaches the next generation of exorcist.

If I'm being told I'm a demon by someone like this guy? Then there must be some truth... and death is also near if his purpose is still to kill me this instant to cleanse the world of my existence.

"I'm not here to kill you, my orders are to bring you in. From there, the Vatican will decide what they will do with you." He sounded like robot, void of emotions.

My heart was in my throat, I felt I could throw it up any second. I knew I didn't have a choice and if I resisted I wouldn't doubt it that he would do anything in his power to take me down.

I looked back down the alleyway, to the city of Tokyo. I'll probably never see this place again. Either I'd die and get sent down to hell where I belong or be locked up for the rest of life. Still, my last glimpse of freedom would be regular citizens walking to their destination. Carefree. Not a worry in mind about the others around them.

I filled my chest with the fresh air around me, my last breath from the outside, turned back towards the exorcist and grinned.

"Whatever you say, boss."

I See You | Rin OkumuraWhere stories live. Discover now