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[ 10 Years Ago ]


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𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙱𝚎𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐:

Like always, her parents had important things to do abroad, which she understood and also accepted, she was after all already used to staying at home alone. Since she was 3 years old, she had often been alone at home without anyone ever having to take care of her.

She understood that.

But what she didn't understand this time, was that she had to come with them. She would attend for the very first time one of these meetings.

She knew what was coming, of course she knew. This would be her only future after all.

Finances and Stocks.

To be honest, she never wanted to be drawn into what her parents were doing. If she only thought about doing this work in the future, she would get a headache. She felt queasy, something was wrong, something was bothering her. But she tried to ignore it.

For her parents, work, as some say, was the most important thing on earth, because without great work, according to her parents, you would be lost, a uselessness, a dirty value, simply unworthy of everything. She didn't agree with them.

Only about one thing, one thing that Iris was 100 percent sure that this had almost become an obsession for her parents. Her parents were obsessed, not with the work itself, but what came out of that work as a whole. She knew that much, much more than she could have imagined at first, money was in this use.

Confused, she looked around and then outside the plane, amazed that the sky was already dark. Her parents, both of whom have been tipping something in their laptops since they got on the plane and did not rest once, they did not even glance at her when she stared at them without noticing it herself.

Snapping out of her daydreams and sighing, the love she felt in this family is always bubbling with joy when she sees her parents like that, she thought, and surpressed a sad laugh. Yeah, that's the Mikhailov Family.

How odd. She had a headache and felt strangely heavy since she was on that plane. Did her parents feel like that when they got on a plane for the first time? Smiling to herself, she felt so weak. Without even realizing it, she blinked a few times, breathing in the swollen upcoming smoke until she passed out.


After the fall of the aircraft, she was hospitalized for several days and when she woke up, she was questioned about her family.

Her parents were dead. They did not survive. Despite the fact that she had heard that, she remained calm and answered everything what the doctors asked her, which was surprising to them. The doctors felt like when they looked at her calm face, that her parents never existed. She was quite strange, not human-likely, but more like a doll with no emotions. It made them somewhat uncomfortable, nervous. Her childlike figure did not fit her appearance, which only sprouted from adulthood. How she sat upright on the bed, it wasn't normal for a child.

The doctors didn't know what to do with her afterwards. Her parents died and she did not have any known relatives.

The only option was the orphanage, but the girl was not pleased with that statement.

Annoyed, she looked out of the window, thinking. What advantages and disadvantages would this bring. Whether she should agree with the doctors or not. She would have no choice but to agree with them. But she would not be her if she did not have a completely different idea. Looking out the window at those white clouds, she thought for a moment and after a few seconds she nodded to the doctors.

After some time the doctors went out of the room to inform on the one hand a nearby orphanage and on the other hand to let the girl rest.

And the next day, a young lady from the orphanage was in the hospital to take the girl to her new home.

Her small, yet plump body was covered with a black dress. Her looks, nothing special, but not the nicest face yet. Her charisma is tiring and severe.
As she looks around the room. Annoyed.
Standing in the middle of the room, the doctors and the woman looked at the finely made bed and an open window.

How did that strange girl leave this room?

Nobody knows.

Nobody saw her.

She could not climb out of the window, even jump. This room was after all on the 5th floor.

Of course.
Nobody will know,
except for her.


Out of the air, she stopped at a dark blind alley.

Taking a deep breath, she quickly noticed her surroundings. She was close to the harbor. She felt it. Exhaling, she slid with her back to the floor.
In her entire young life she has never felt as free as she is at the moment. Even if it lasted only a few seconds. She is happy, although there is nothing to be happy now. After all, is not that a bad time to feel happy? Her parents died and she does not know where to go now. How will she survive? But does she even want to survive? She does not know.

She is a strange child. Even her parents thought she was very strange. Not like normal kids, no. Like an adult in a child's body.

She is smart.
Damn smart.

That's why her parents have never treated her like a child, for which she was very grateful to them. She could never talk to people of her age. For her, these 'children' were and still are all too childish.

She knows that she can survive. But she is not sure. Not that she can not survive, but whether she wants it at all. She is unsure. Uncertain because she does not know why a human like her lives in this world. She does not feel anything when she thinks about her life. There is nothing. It's like she's a human metronome. She lacks the knowledge of humanity. Her thoughts are really often about whether she is human at all.

Shaking her head slightly, she tried to rearrange her thoughts. Yes. She would survive in any case, even if she no longer wants it.


It's been 3 weeks now and she's still alive, Iris thought and smiled. Annoyed, she looked up at the sky and actually deepened again in her day dreams of suicide. She was bored. She did not know what she could do. The weeks she spent actually stealing, where she was getting better every day, were getting worse. She would have had a fever for a few days already. It is getting worse and worser. She felt that perfectly. And her hallucinations did not help either. She knew she would faint soon.

She closed her eyes slightly. And opened them again. Without realizing it, she fell asleep.
So exhausted that she did not notice that a person has been watching her for a while, she could no longer feel the person picking her up easily.


(i can't write lmfao)
Hope you enjoyed!!

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