1. Bailey Argenta

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       Before you read, know that Peach-ah-so?! means Are you crazy?! in Korean. Also, I got this story idea from The Percy Jackson Series. My writing style is highly influenced by Rick Riordan, since I've been reading his books for most of my life.

The First Chapter. 

         Thwap. Reload.  Thwap. Reload. Thwap. Reload.

        Every arrow intercepted the clay targets in midair and smashed them into tiny bits and pieces. I took a deep breath, cleared my mind, and focused on the target. As I nod a signal to Victoria, she throws a piece of deformed clay as high as she can. Thwap. I sigh and place my bow on the grass. Why was life so difficult?

        Every. Freaking. Year. Every year, SOMETHING HAPPENS and somehow, that something gets blamed on me, and then I'll get a letter saying that my current school does not like me, wants to expel me, and blah, blah, blah. The usual. Like that time in the 5th grade, our class went on an overnight field trip and decided to go to the beach at sunset. A guy named Tom had been bothering me. Tom had messy, unwashed hair, with the darkest, largest pupils I've ever seen and his brown windbreaker was three sizes too large for him. Tom was the most annoyingist person in the world, also known as a first class jerk, who cares about no one, encroaches on everyones privacy, and messes stuff up on purpose, and -- sorry I'm rambling. Bottom-line, I hate him. He started to poke my arm with his marshmallow roasting stick, and quibbling me on every single flaw I had. Then decided it was a good idea to heat the stick over the fire and jab me with it. 

        "AHHHHHHH! PEACH-AH-SO?!" I exclaimed.

        "HA!" Tom shouted, and ran to splash my fellow classmates with water.

        A split second later, a massive wave engulfs Tom as if targeting him especially. Suddenly, I could not see Tom, but my classmates that were only a few feet away from him, stand unharmed. Naturally, the teacher accused me, and evey single witness had told the teacher that I pushed Tom into the water, and that they heard me yell at him, calling him a peach for no apparent reason.

       Yes, I am telling the truth. Yes, similar things like this happened multiple times in my life. There was another year when people were accusing me of shocking the substitute teacher with a taser gun, when it really was an unfortunate strike of lightning. There was also a time where I happened to kidnap the chaperone and bury her alive. That didn't happen. I swear the earth opened up and swallowed her. I'm not crazy, as you can tell. Yeah, I might be slightly ADHD. Okay, maybe a lot ADHD. For those of you who don't know, ADHD stands for attention deficit hyperactive disorder, which means I have "trouble focusing" and I can't properly "control my behavior". Pssh. Yeah right.

        So yeah, that's basically my life.

        "Bailey, we should head home, it's almost dark. You wanna stay at my house?" Victoria asked.

        "Sure," I replied. Victoria knows that recently, my parents have been arguing ALL the time, ever since my 13th birthday past a week ago . It's something about me, something about whether or they should tell me something. They would never discuss it in front of me, but they would still have a stare-down during dinner. Talk about awkward, epic meal times. It's not like they were horrible parents. I know that on the inside we all care about each other. My parents always told me stories about Greek heroes defeating monsters. Though, I'm not sure if some of them are true. It's not like I can Google it, my parents HATE technology and won't even agree to have a house phone. 

        Victoria and I arrived at the footsteps of her front door, but Victoria froze into a halt. While attempting not slam into her, I almost tripped and fell face first into her garden gnome, which was, oddly, already tipped over.

        "Jeez, It's like your trying to--" I was quickly cut off.

        "Shh!!!" Victoria whispered, her abysmal tone was full of alarm and terror. I was about to ask her what was up, but then I followed her transfixed eyes to her welcome mat, and saw that it must have been hastily turned over. The emergency spare key was missing, and worst of all, a tall woman with a serpent's tail slid around like she's searching for something... or someone.

How long it took me to write this chapter:

Day 1: Writing, a little bit of revisions

Day 2: Revisions

Day 3: More revisions and sisters approval.





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