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Nichole wants to die... from embarrassment and shame.

She is currently suffocating on awkward as she sits in Ademar's living room, listening to him and Taehyun bounce back and forth with each other as they tell her the tale of how they became acquainted with one another, platonically and romantically speaking. It's a lot for Nichole to take in, but luckily they have a simple story.

A few months after Ademar moved into the building, he met Taehyun. It was bound to happen because they lived on the same floor. They talked it up over time and eventually became good friends. But when Ademar later discovered during an intense game of Never Have I Ever that Taehyun wasn't exclusive to women... things took a spicy turn between them, and their title quickly changed from them being neighbors to them being friends with benefits.

What they had was short-lived but fun while it lasted.

One day, when the topic had come up of what after, Taehyun and Ademar knew that they had to put a halt on what they'd been doing. Taehyun and Ademar may have been wild and reckless with each other during that time, but they weren't stupid. They knew that their little fling couldn't go on forever, so what were they to do after it ended?

Such a thing hadn't been easy to dwell on. But after taking some time to think about it, they both had come to the decision, amicably, that they'd be better off as friends – no more extra benefits attached – because neither, at that time, were looking to settle down and be in a serious relationship, so why potentially complicate what they had as buddies by getting romantic feelings involved? Because one can only fuck around on someone for so long before they eventually, whether they initially wanted to or not, develop feelings towards the other person.

"And it wasn't awkward between you two after that?" Nichole asks. "You guys just... said no more fucking and carried on with your lives as normal, as friends?"

"Pretty much," Ademar says. "It wasn't that difficult to move past what we did with one another because as I said, neither of us was looking to date. We'd both been so bored and lonely up until that point; we just wanted to have a bit of fun, so we did."

"But before things could even take a turn at being serious," Taehyun adds, "we put a stop to it all, decided it'd be best to just be friends."

"Taehyun is the only man that I've ever been with who knew how to have casual no-strings-attached sex without getting feelings involved and I really appreciated him for that." Ademar looks at Taehyun and smiles warmly. "I admit, though, that I do still miss you from time to time. Do you ever miss me, Tae-Tae?"

Taehyun sighs, so not in the mood for Ademar's playful persona. "Ademar, cut it out with the flirting. Nichole is literally right here."

Ademar is and always has been the more animated one of the pair; Taehyun, on the other hand, stays taking things seriously. Nichole is still shocked by this whole ordeal, that they all know each other and have slept with each other, but she continues to listen attentively as the men speak and tell more of their story.

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