Nine x Five Oneshot

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You are mine. 

London bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down...

I was humming out to myself, staring at the lights flashing by outside the the farm watching other cars move by, when the headache hit. My brain felt like it was splitting into half, and I was engulfed in an abyss of pain. I vaguely heard other voices, asking me if I was okay, but my mouth seemed unable to respond. My palms cupped my ears, as I tried to block the noise and the vision out, but they were not in front of me, they were inside my head. I wanted to die, so that I could get everything out of my mind, but I refused to give up on life until I won Nine. I saw flashes of my time in the institute go by - tons of injections, playing as we were forced to, trying to catch Nine, more medication, lots of tests... Then one day, a fire erupted. I watched the dull grey colours of the Institute burn into passionate bright colours of red and orange... I tried to run, but I tripped. Nine and Twelve escaped, while others died... Why did they not bring me with them? 

Afterwards, I was the only remaining success. Neither was I proud of my intelligence, nor of my capabilities to survive the experiments when many others could, for I was not the only one. Twelve and Nine... They succeeded to. At the point when there was nothing else to live for, I turned to a drastic motivation, to beat someone so utterly, and win him. Claim him as my prize. 

I would win Nine. 

I was not sure what my feelings were, for him. I felt that, he was someone that I had to beat, but at the same time, he did not feel like an enemy. When I looked upon him, I appreciated his build, his smart glasses, his disdainful gaze, his black smooth hair, but I did not love him. It was more of a compulsion to have him in my hands - it was more like a child's attachment to a toy, more than the love in a relationship. 

The headaches slowly stopped, as my brain cleared, and my mind went back to its 100 percent functional rate. Many concerned questions were asked, but I waved them all away with the claim that I was alright. Was I alright? For the rest of my life, I would never be 'alright'. I was already broken, my life just doing the work of others, surviving on a single, twisted motivation that I could not give up on. My brain was intelligent, but ruined by the experiments and medication. 

Upon finding out that Nine was still alive, I needed to hunt him down. 

Time passed, and I did everything I could to capture him. He began to meddle in acts of terrorism - all the better. It gave me an official reason to use taxpayer's money to chase after him. 

On the day when he turned himself in, requesting to see Shibazaki, that useless moron, I knew something big was up. Nine was like me. There were layers to our plans that no one could grasp. It was our inborn intelligence. I was excited, yet frustrated. Mixed emotions welled up inside me. I argued with the US agent. He argued back. Guns were out. The loss of life was a small price to pay, to reach Nine. Without hesitation or regret, I shot the US agent. He died, with shock still etched on his face. If he did not oppose me, it would not have come to his death, but nothing else other than Nine mattered anymore. I did not even glance at his dead and motionless body on the grey tar road, as I got into the car, and began driving. He was on this expressway. My senses were tingling, as my brain was working overtime. I accelerated the car, as I edged closer to my triumph. I laughed a maniacal laugh once or twice, excited for the moment of triumph, excited for the look on his face when I beat him, excited for the point where I would escape everything else in the world. 

London bridge rang out in my head... My heart rate increased with anticipation. London bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down...

Soon, I found my gun, pointed right at his head. 

He was finally, finally, at my mercy. 

He looked up at me with those eyes. Those eyes that I could never read. I could never see into his intentions. 

He was at my mercy, but I did not want to kill him. I did not want to see that beautiful, intelligent gaze go cold and lifeless. I wanted him... To live. 

I was taken aback by myself, shocked that I would suddenly be so merciful to the person that I considered my greatest enemy, but also my closest friend. He understood me more than anyone else ever did. I bent down, and did something he did not expect me to do. 

I kissed him. 

He kissed me back. The kiss was only a second long, but it felt like eternity. It felt like so long, until the point that I felt as if I had lived long enough for a whole lifetime. In that kiss, there was enough to convey everything that we wanted to say to each other, that would have been thousand of words. As our lips were pressed against each other, all the pain and emotions we felt melted away. 

When I pulled altar, he gazed at me, with a look that I could not decipher. It was a bit of confusion, mixed with longing and sadness. 

"Live for me, Nine." I whispered. I was tired of living, and now that there was no more motivation to live... I had enough. The kiss was all I needed to motivate me to walk towards my end. Perhaps he was tired of living too, but i had a feeling that he would not be far behind. If, despite our deeds, we would go to Heaven, in the case there was actually a Heaven, perhaps, I would wait for him.

The bullets inside were not for Nine. I walked to the car, and raised the gun, before I shot the gasoline tank of the car. Embers burned up around me, as I was enveloped in a vortex of heat. I could barely see Nine beyond the raging flames. 

I whispered his name. The fire was burning, and it was painful, but I knew, that it would all be over soon. I whispered his name again. 


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2014 ⏰

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