Time Machine

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"You really think this is going to work?" Max asked, eyeing the box suspiciously. "It looks.. It looks like fucking shit, Neil."

Neil laughed nervously. "Of course it's going to work, Max. I just need someone to test it." He shoved Max into the box, slamming the door shut and pushing a few buttons on his remote.

"Wow, really feels like I'm time traveling," Max says sarcastically. Pause. "Neil?" He asked. "God damn it, Neil. Let me out. This thing is tiny." He fumbled with the doorknob until it opened. He stepped out, looking around. Neil was gone, as well as the rest of the campers that had been nearby. He didn't think much of it. They were probably trying to see if Max would fall for it. Which, he didn't. Only Space Kid would. And Nikki. And David- yeah. A lot of people would probably fall for it, but not him.

He walked towards the mess hall, planning on stealing a pudding or two. Quartermaster and Gwen usually didn't care if Max stole anything. Well, they used to. But Max did it so often with Nikki and Neil that nobody cared about it anymore. Unfortunately, Space Kid found out and told the other campers, so Max had to do it when nobody was awake, because David actually bought pudding for them. Only David.. Max thought, pulling the door open. 

He was met with strangers. Huh? Okay, Neil didn't have to be so dramatic about the whole prank. Maybe Preston did that. He scanned the room, stopping when he saw Cameron Campbell and.. David? What the actual fuck? Speaking theoretically, if Neil's time machine somehow worked, then Max was in danger. If he was in the past, he could fuck up big time. Even if he made eye contact with young David, what would happen? Would he come back to the present to find David as a drug addict? 

This actually could be helpful  Max thought. If he were to interact with David, he could possibly convince David to hate camp! Then David wouldn't be a camp counselor, and Max wouldn't have to deal with his bullshit. Perfect.

Davey looked to the door, seeing a figure leave, the door shutting behind them. Jasper? He thought hopefully. He then sighed as a pang of sadness hit him. No. He felt stupid. Jasper was gone. He turned back to Mr. Campbell with a smile, the strange figure in the back of his mind.

(A/N: Hope you like chapter one!)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2020 ⏰

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