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Where BTS aren't idols just regular people with regular lifes on their own way.

Jungkook an twich overwatch streamer who likes banana milk and haging out with his best Friends Hoseok and Jimin once in a while. On the weekends he works as a bartender on a really popular club called Scenery , he does'nt really know why.

Yoongi who is studying to be a song producer even tho he already has produced some of his own. Works part-time  as a pizza delivery person Lives with his childhood friend Jin even tho he thinks hes annoying

Namjoon a song writter who is the co-worker of jimin in a cyber café  that Taehyung visits every time hes free

Taehyung is a tattoo artist but likes to do some abstract and portraits paintings,   has done some tattoos for yoongi and  hoseok. Sometimes does some shootings for weedings and big birthday parties as his side job.

Hoseok is a Dance Teacher for kids and sometimes he does dancing covers in youtube for fun. When his not teaching kids how to dance he's working on mcdonalds or getting educated . He saw yoongi on the tattoo place when he was going to make his , have been talking ever since .

Jimin working on the cyber café and being a  cheerleader sometimes for jungkook when hes playing. Even tho he works with namjoon they haven't talked , he looks way too serious for jimin. Had a crush on Jungkook since High school  but didn't do anything about it.

Jin its a part-time model for small companies and on his free time he studies to be an actor. Moved in with yoongi when his last roommate locked him out of the house because of his "annoying" laugh. Has been in the café  sometimes  but does'nt stay for too Long,  sometimes helps yoongi with vocals parts on his songs. He would like to relax once in a while from all the  work

"Hey....excuse me " said the guy tapping me on the shoulder. I turned around  and saw him handing me something "y-you dropped this..." said with an box smile and kinda nervous. He was giving me  my pen i must of dropped it -thanks i said back- "n-no problem , b-by the way...i-im tae-" -you're  Kim taehyung  I know- I laughed  , the way he acted was kinda cute not gonna lie... -Im Min yoongi , you did a tattoo on me a month ago-

"FUCK!" Said the younger again  it seems like they have killed him again -No no , no swearing on stream , kids can hear you- Hobi said back at him , moving his index finger from side to side in a indication of no " But i have lost like twenty rounds! Ugh such a bad day" - said the youngest as he finished his transmision he was'nt having it , he turned his chair around facing me and Hobi ^then don't play , maybe you're hungry^ I replied " Mayb-" his phone rings once again , its his crush  texting him again ^he's too old for you baby^ I said standing up and sitting in his lap "are you jealous,Jiminie?"

" yeah a bit to the left....yes perfect " said the photographer as he tooked some photos of  me in a fancy suit "just some  floor shots and where done for today" -sounds great to me- as I was speaking someone knocked on the door , one of the girls from the crew went to open the door . It was a coffee guy ^Hi , Three mocha , 2 vainilla coffee and 1 machiato Grande?^ said the tall guy softly , the girl nodded and he have her the coffee ^is this a movie shooting or an idols shoot? ^ said the guy confused  "nope its just a promotion shoot for a Watch" said the photographer  as i showed him from a far my watch ^oh thats cool , do i know you from so- oh im so sorry i should leave , have a good afternoon everybody ^ he said apologizing and left , he was nice too bad i wont see him again

"Jinie im home" as I said that i closed the door behind me "maybe he's still working" i walked to the kitchen and grabbed an already open bag of chips " dunno dont care" i said as i ate them all the way to my room and locked myself inside , falling asleep as soon as my head touch my pillow

" I thougth you were over him already chim" said hobi taking an sip of his drink  ^I am its just worried about him^ I said holding my beer "of what ? Him getting his heartbroken? , come on chim you know how he is , he will find a new crush the next time he opens tik tok" ^Hobi im serious what if that old douche its just trying to take advantage of our bunny?^ I said to later on take a sip of my beer almost finishing it -whos gonna fuck who?- said hoseoks Friend joining us "Hey! About time you came , come sit , take a drink"  ^hello ! ^ i said smiling at him ^i thougth your roomate was with you , what happened?^ -oh I haven't seen him in a while , he's fine tho. He must be sleeping rigth now- said while sitting besides hoseok ^oh well next time you see him can you tell hin that im free for the recording on monday? He didn't gave me his number^ i said nervous   I dont really think i have that much of a voice for singing -yeah sure so how are you guys?-

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