The search

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[ Spoiler warning ]
[ This story is based in an AU where no one died.
Also gang stuff is a lot more chill and they kinda just vibe. Honestly I have no idea what the fuck I'm writing anymore but just take it.
I apologise for any spelling mistakes, I literally can not type. ]

It had been a short while since Narancia and the rest of the gang had arrived back home. With Giorno the new boss of Passione, and Diavolo defeated, it seemed like there was nothing major to worry about. Of course they were still part of a gang, so endless amounts enemies were to be expected in future times. Other than that, there was nothing for Narancia to worry about.



Ever since Narancia had came home, he had only had one thing on his mind.


He needed to see Fugo again.

Leaving Fugo behind was one of the hardest things Narancia ever had to do. He still remembered it vividly.
The other members getting onto the boat.
His hands gripping tightly onto his hair as he stared at the ground.
The feeling of tears streaming down his face.
The realisation of what he had to do.

The realisation that Fugo wasn't coming with.

Each one of those things hurt more than the last. That was the kind of pain he never wanted to experience again. That was what had driven him to prioritise finding Fugo over anything else. He had spent days and days searching the streets of Naples, doing everything he could to find Fugo. He'd check restaurants, use Aerosmith to track down people in alleys, constantly check up with other members of their team to find out if they'd heard from him, and anything else he could think of. But still, for almost a week, there was nothing.
Narancia had started to worry.
He worried that he was gone too long.
He worried that he had came back too late.

Narancia woke up groggily and stretched his arms over his head. Still tired from his previous late night, it took his around 10 minutes to fully wake up.

Currently, Giorno's team was staying in a villa they had bought. It was technically their headquarters, but more so just a place where everyone could live safely together.

Narancia got dressed into his usual outfit and headed down stairs. Entering the kitchen, he saw Giorno holding a cup of coffee.
"Morning boss."
Narancia greeted as he reached into the cabinet to grab himself some cereal.
"Morning. Did you sleep well?"
Narancia leant back on the counter.
"I guess. Didn't get much."
Giorno took a sip of his coffee.
"How long have you been up?" Narancia asked.
Giorno swallowed his drink and placed the mug down on the counter as he gazed at the clock.
"I'd say a couple hours. The others went out. I think Abbacchio and Bucciarati went somewhere together, but I have no clue what Mista or Trish are doing."
Narancia opened his mouth to ask a question, when Giorno answered before he could even speak.
"And no, there's been no sign of Fugo. Sorry."
Letting out a sigh, Narancia looked down at the ground. He was truely starting to wonder if he'd ever see Fugo again.
"Right..." He replied. "As expected..."

Narancia made himself some cereal and finished quickly. As normal, he planned to search for Fugo again. Until he found him, Narancia didn't ever plan on giving up.

Heading out of the villa, he started walking the streets in hope of some luck.

Narancia had been searching for hours and hours until the sun had begun to set, still with no luck. He was hungry, so he stopped in at a relatively nice restaurant to get some dinner.

After Narancia had sat down in a booth at the back he picked up the menu and began to look at his options. Nothing too special but nothing bad. After a couple minutes, he heard something that sparked his attention. A man was talking to a waiter of the restaurant. He seemed to be asking for directions to somewhere, but Narancia was too far to hear the full conversation. The conversation was nothing interesting, so why had Narancia decided to listen in?
The voice.
The voice of the person asking for directions.
He knew it too well.
Narancia shot his head up at the sound of the voice, and stared at the figure in besides the doorway.
The man was tall, wearing a green suit filled with holes. He had slightly above shoulder length hair, neatly separated at the front, partially covering his face.
Narancia knew who it was. He knew him all too well. Absolutely frozen in place, he watched as the man thanked the waiter and left the restaurant. Realising he hadn't even moved, Narancia threw himself out of his seat and raced to the doorway. Narancia turned his head and looked down the street to see him walking away.

Holy shit Holy shit Holy shit.
It's him.
It really is him.

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