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Narancia didn't hesitate and yelled his name as he rushed towards him.


Fugo turned his head to see Narancia practically fly at him and throw his arms around him tightly.
"What the f- wait- I-
He said in shock as he realised who was holding on to him. Narancia lifted his head and smiled at Fugo, his eyes watering.
"I-.. Narancia holy shit! Your ok!"
Wrapping his arms back around Narancia, Fugo began to tear up.
"Fugo.. I've been looking everywhere for you man!" Narancia exhaled, still trying to catch his breath from his excitement.
"Narancia, I've been so fucking worried about you.. I missed you so much..."

The two began to cry, holding onto each other still in the middle of the damply lit street.
"I was so scared..." Fugo continued.
"So scared I could have lost you forever..."
Tearfully smiling at Fugo, Narancia reassured him.
"I'm ok.. I'm alive. And you are too. I'm so glad I was able to find you again."
Fugo buried his face into the crook Narancia's neck, still heavily breathing through the tears.
"I-I'm so sorry... I'm so fucking s-sorry that I didn't come with you."
Fugo sobbed.
Narancia let more tears roll down his face.
"It's o-ok.. I'm sorry that I left you behind...."
The two cried, hugging each other close with no intent of letting go. After what seemed like forever, Fugo let go of Narancia and spoke.

"S-so.. how are the others?" There was concern in his voice.
"They're all alright. There's nothing to worry about. As I'm sure you've heard, Giorno's the new boss of Passione."
"That's a relief." Fugo sighed. "And yes, I've heard. That was why I came looking for you all. More specifically you..."
Narancia slightly blushed at the comment. He was glad Fugo was searching for him as well.
"Should we sit down somewhere? So we can properly talk I guess." Narancia asked.
Wiping the remaining tears of his face, Fugo agreed

The two found a bench on the side of the grass, looking down onto the beach. The sunset reflected beautifully off of the water giving their surroundings a dull glow.

"Do you think I could ever go back? Y'know, to the others." Fugo asked.
"I'm truely sorry for leaving all of you. I was... scared." He continued.
"Bu to want to return. I've missed you all so much, and I was worried about you more than anything. I couldn't bare to loose you.
But do you think they'd let me come back?"
Narancia glanced up at Fugo, who had an expression of complete loss.
"Of course. Of course you can come back. We've missed you too.
I've wanted you back more than anything."

At low points like these, Narancia's kind words were what always seemed to keep Fugo going. He treasured Narancia more than anyone else, him being the only person he had let become that close to him. His whole life, Fugo had a tendency to push people away.
He was afraid.
Afraid of what he could do.
However, Narancia was different. Different from anyone he'd ever known.

He was the only person Fugo had truely loved.

"All right. Thank you."
The two of them sat in silence, simply indulging in the moment. The beautiful sunset, the peacefulness of the waves hitting the shore, being in each other's company....
It was all they wanted.
Slowly, Narancia leant his head onto Fugo's shoulder. Fugo's cheeks turned red at the affection, and he looked down to see Narancia peacefully staring into the sunset.

God he looks so fucking cute.

Fugo took a breath in.
"Hey, Narancia?"
Narancia looked up at him.


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