Returning home

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Narancia and Fugo started to head back home to the private villa once the sun had almost fully set. It wasn't too late, so hopefully the other members of the gang would still be awake to see Fugo when he arrived.

The cool breeze brushed through Fugo's hair, blowing it out of his face. The air was still warm, and the streets were only illuminated by the multiple streetlights placed along the road. 
Narancia stopped and turned to face a building.

"Well, this is it."

Fugo let out a nervous sigh.
"Are you sure it will be ok?"
Narancia looked Fugo in the eyes as he placed a delicate hand on his shoulder. Their eyes met, and Narancia smiled gently.
"Of course."
Holding him by the wrist, Narancia lead Fugo up the front garden pathway and to the door.


He quietly swung the door open. The faint sound of multiple people talking was coming from the lounge room.

Good. They're still awake.

Narancia thought as he closed the door behind them. He took off his shoes and placed them by the door. As he stood up, he gave Fugo one last look of reassurance.

"It'll be alright."

Fugo followed closely behind Narancia as they walked into the lounge. As Narancia entered the room filled with 5 other people, he greeted them with:
"Hey guys! Guess who I found!"
He pulled Fugo by the wrist through the doorway, and one by one looks of shock and happiness spread across everyone's faces.
Fugo stood awkwardly in the doorway as they rushed up to hug him.

"Holy shit! I thought we'd lost you forever dude!" Mista exclaimed as himself and the rest hugged Fugo.
Everyone said similar things along the lines of "good to see you again!", "I'm glad you came back to us!" and various things like that.

"It's good to have you back, Fugo." Bucciarati softly smiled.

Narancia beamed, looking both excited and content.
"I told you all he'd return!"

Fugo stood there, shocked by the embraces. Everyone was actually happy to have him back. They really wanted him to be there.
Tears formed in his eyes as Fugo returned the hug to the rest of the group, Narancia joining in.

"I'm so sorry I left you all....
Thank you all so much."

A couple hours went by, spent catching up and having some pizza Narancia had ordered together. Fugo was glad that everyone wanted him back. Despite still feeling guilty, the worry slowly slipped out of his mind as the night went by. Eventually, people started getting tired and heading to bed. First was Abbacchio, soon followed by Bucciarati who shared a room. Trish went up to her room shortly after. Around half an hour later the last four all headed up to their rooms around the same time, Giorno and Mista sharing, and Narancia with his own. Only, there was no where for Fugo to sleep.
"Hey, Narancia, where am I going to sleep? Do you have a spare room or-"
"Oh! You could share a room with me if you'd like. I only have a double bed, so we'd have to share, but it's the best we have."
Fugo's cheeks were dusted with a slight red tint, as he envisioned having to share a bed with Narancia.


"Oh, are you sure? I mean, I wouldn't mind, as long as it's alright with you."
He replied.
"Of course! I mean, it'd be nice to spend some more of our night together since we haven't seen each other in a while."
Narancia sweetly smiled.
"Yeah, I suppose your right."
Narancia grabbed Fugo by the wrist and brought him upstairs to his room.

As he opened the door, Narancia immediately flopped down on his bed.
"Tired?" Fugo chuckled.
"Well yeahhhh... today was tiring... I spent all morning looking for you..." Fugo sat down on the bed beside him.
"Yeah, I suppose that would make for a tiring day."
Fugo leant back and stared up at the ceiling, Narancia doing the same.

"Hey, Narancia.... how long were you looking for me? How many days?"
"At least 5 now. I've spent every day since I got back searching the streets for you. I'm glad I found you again, Fugo."
He replied, still staring at the ceiling.
Fugo let out a long sigh.
"I'm.... sorry I didn't come find you sooner. Believe me, if I knew you were back earlier I would have, but.... I guess things just kinda didn't get through to me that fast."
"At least we have each other now, right?"
"Yeah... you're right. At least we're together now."

Narancia turned onto his side and Fugo tilted his head. Their eyes met, and silence fell between them. The moonlight reflected onto Narancia's face, highlighting all of his beautiful features. Fugo simply stared. The more he looked, the more he felt the same weird way he had been feeling while they watched the sunset together.

He wanted to wrap his arms around Narancia and bring his body closer.
He wanted to hold him in his arms.
He wanted to fall asleep, cuddled close to him.
The thoughts clouded his mind, and his face turned progressively redder as he started to fully understand.

I'm so in love with him.

There was no way around it. Fugo felt so incredibly different towards Narancia then he had ever felt to anyone else. It was a feeling of warmth, safety, and a feeling of wanting to get even closer.
A feeling of love.

Little did Fugo know, Narancia was feeling the exact same way. Narancia thought of being snuggled into the taller boys arms, feeling warm and secure.

Narancia just wanted to tell Fugo he loved him.

Fugo just wanted to tell Narancia he loved him.

But both were afraid the other wouldn't feel the same way.

The two of them broke eye contact, realising how long they'd been staring at each other.
"Ah, I should probably get changed for bed or something."
Narancia tried to make the previously silent situation less awkward.
"Right. I'll get changed in the bathroom."
Fugo responded as he stood up. Narancia stood after him, walking over to his drawer to find something to wear.
"Hey, Narancia,"
Fugo started from behind him.
"Sorry to ask but, I don't really have any clothes to change into. Could I maybe borrow some of yours? Do you have anything that might fit me?"
Narancia faces Fugo and quickly replied.
"Of course, I'll try to find something."
He grabbed out a pair of loose comfortable shorts and a baggy T-shirt, at least baggy on Narancia, and handed them over to Fugo.
"Is this alright?"
Fugo held out the shirt and shorts and compared them to his body.
"Yeah, these should fit. Thank you."
He said with gratitude.
"No problem" Narancia smiled.
Narancia turned back to his dresser to find something for himself as Fugo left the room.
He settled on a baggy black shirt and a pair of boxers. Once changed, he got under the covers of his bed and waited for Fugo.

After a couple of minutes, there was a knock on Narancia's bedroom door.
"Can I come in?" Fugo asked from the outside of his room.
"Sure thing."
Fugo entered the room and set his clothes on a chair in the corner of the room. Seeing Narancia already in bed, Fugo climbed in beside him. Both of them already exhausted, they soon began to drift off.

"Goodnight Fugo...." Narancia whispered.
"Goodnight, Narancia.." Fugo sleepily replied.
As they drifted off, Narancia mumbled something Fugo just couldn't completely hear in his half awake state.

"I love you."

The words were faint, but enough for Fugo to think that could have been what he heard.
He opened his eyes and glanced at Narancia.
"What?..." Fugo asked.
However, there was no way to get a response out of Narancia now, as he had already fallen asleep.
Fugo sighed, passing it off as something he had imagined.

But just in case, as he fell asleep, he whispered back.

"I love you too."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2020 ⏰

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