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Aug 13, 2019

hey lissaaahey liss|hey||

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hey lissaaa
hey liss|

do u wanna meet up?
do u wanna me|
do u w|

i'm sorry
i'm sorry|
i'm s|

do you hate me?
do you ha|
do y|

"so are you just gonna keep deleting your messages or what?"

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"so are you just gonna keep deleting your messages or what?"


"oi language!" Jin shouted from the kitchen, "do you want me to bring in the swearing jar again huh kid?"

"no hyung sorry," I glared at Taehyung who simply gave a peace sign.

"so what's up, why are you hesitating? I thought you two are close now." my hyungs knew about my nochu identity towards Lisa. At first they didn't support it, saying I should stop being a wimp and confront her. But of course I told them that 'my social anxiety won't allow me to do that' and they simply shook their heads saying 'you better not regret anything then'.

Fast forward to the present time and now I wish I had listened to them and to every other person who told me to just 'man up'.

"Hyungs I messed up."

"Why? Don't tell you regret already," Taehyung laughed but stopped as soon as he realised that I wasn't laughing. "...Oh... Well damn..."

"What happened Kook?" I grumbled and simply gave him the messages Bambam sent me. We haven't spoken since he told me to man up as well... he said he wouldn't be biased but in the end of the day Lisa and him have been friends for like 15, 17 years so it's only natural for him to side with her.

"Hm, I see, you're in a very tough situation right now Kook and as much as I love you, you know I have to say it." He sighed, putting a hand on my shoulder, "I told you so you little brat."


"Hey hey hey, why are you making the baby cry?" Hoseok walked into the room with a frantic look on his face.

"I TOLD YOU SO MWAHAHAH!" Taehyung pointed towards proceeding to do his little victory dance. I groaned, not even having the will power to punch him because as much as I hate to admit it, he was right. They all were. God I hate this.

"Let's me see let's me see," Hoseok snatched my phone from Taehyung's hands quickly reading the messages. "Oh Kookieee!" He flung himself towards me, wrapping his arms around my neck. "That explains why you've been so cranky the pass few days, it's okay baby, hyungs got you." He cradled me in his arms, well tried to at least.

Before I knew it, my phone was being passed from person to person in the dorm as the other half tried to comfort me while the other half joined Taehyung in his victory dance, shoving it in my face that they were right.

"Oi, this isn't the time to dance around, this is a serious situation." Yoongi shouted, snatching the phone from Jin who was on the coffee table. He pushed Jimin and Hoseok away from me and sat next to me, ignoring Jimin's and Hoseok's 'hey'.

"Look Kook, I hate to be on Jin hyungs and Taehyungs side but they're right. You messed up."

"Hyung you don't have to make him feel so bad, I'm sure he already knows that." Jimin yelled.

"Shut up brat, I'm not done," Yoongi rolled his eyes before facing me again to continue his encouraging, life changing speech. "But we both know, in fact we all know that instead of apologising to her through text, you should be doing it in person."

"That's right, apologising to her through text is like breaking up with her through text." Namjoon agreed with Yoongi, reading the messages as well.

"She doesn't know you're nochu right? " I nodded my head at Jimin's statement. "Then why don't you, I don't know, give her another inkigayo sandwich which says let's meet up or something."

"I actually like that idea. I mean you started your nochu and Lisa relationship with an inkigayo sandwich, why don't you end it an inkigayo sandwich and start your new Jungkook and Lisa relationship with an inkigayo sandwich." Jin nodded just head, smiling at his idea.

"Yeah Lisa doesn't seem like the type of girl who you need to go all out on, she looks like the type of girl who'd rather spend her birthday in mac donalds rather than in some fancy restaurant." All eyes were on Hoseok as he said his statement. "What? I'm just saying that Lisa is a very simple girl who finds happiness in small simple things."

"Well you should've said that in the first place!" Jin smacked the back of his head. "Well Hoseok's got a point Kook, and as much as we'd love to help you, honestly I don't think your hyungs would be of much help this time. Unlike you and maybe Jimin who's had one interaction with her in 2016-"

"Excuse you hyung! For the last time we really did talk during dance practice, why won't you believe me!"

"The rest of us don't know her very well. The best we can do is make assumptions of who she might be and what she might like, but we can't guarantee if she'll actually like it. This means you'll have to ask someone who knows her well. I don't if you and Bambam are on speaking terms, but I know he would be of big help and I'm not sure if you have the courage to ask, but asking her members will be a big help and anyone else like her Thai friends or any other 97 liner friend." We all gawked at Jin hyung as he finally realised the stares we were giving him. "What? I can be deep too."

We all laughed at him as he looked at us confused. "You're right hyungs, thank you."

"No problem Kook, if you ever need anymore wisdom, you know who to go to," Jin said tapping his head.

"Remember, his wisdom is a one time thing, don't count on it too much." Yoongi sat up, ruffling my head, ignoring Jin's 'hey'.

Everyone else got up and went on with their ways but not before giving me a good luck, hwaiting and some other encouraging words.

"I'm guessing you know what to do now Kook?" I nodded at Namjoon, "Good, you can do it Kook," I smiled, grabbing my phone and pressing on a certain contact.


yooooooo!!! wassup wassup!!!
so it's been 5 months... but i was able to undate! hope you guys liked it, i'm not sure if it's obvious but yeh, this book is ending soon...

but that aside i just hope everyone's staying safe wherever you are and make sure you are all staying home!  if you thought i would update more often now that i'm at home all the time, i'm sorry to break it down to you but where I live lockdown is over and we're now in level 2 so i have to go back to school now...

but yeh that's all, see in the next chapter :)))

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