Emergency Repair

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Once Eugen completely recomposed herself Bismarck came back inside, dragging Hipper in along with her.

"Hey um... Eugen..." Hipper begins awkwardly. "I'm really sorry for what I said earlier... Please don't scrap me commander!"

"What makes you think I would do something like that?" The commander asks. "Let's just put this behind us alright?"

"It's alright." Eugen replies. "And he's right, let's just put this behind us and move forward." And with that the group heads outside to relax for the time being.

"What in the world happened? I was walking by and I heard screaming." Tirpitz asks. The commander then looks at Eugen, who shakes her head.

"It was nothing." The commander replies. "Well, we were just about to go out and eat, you can join if you'd like."

"Sure, sounds good to me." Tirpitz says as she joins them. They head out to the tavern like they usually do, and some of the people there strike up conversation with Eugen before they get a seat.

"I'm getting pulled off to the side for a bit don't mind me." Eugen says as the commander takes a seat at a table with Bismarck and Tirpitz.

"Sorry if this is just me sounding privy but what happened back in the office?" Tirpitz asks.

"I might as well explain." Hipper replies. "I accidentally set off Eugen."

"Wait, THE Prinz Eugen?" Tirpitz asks. "The teasing cruiser and your little sister?"

"Yep..." Hipper replies sheepishly. "Well let's not dwell too much into it, looks like our food is coming."

"You don't eat much, do you?" Bismarck asks as a small plate of lamb stew is placed in front of him.

"No, not really." The commander replies.

"Oh man this stuff is the best." Hipper chuckles as a plate of schweinshaxe is placed in front of her. Finally some rouladen has been reserved for Bismarck and Tirpitz, and Eugen comes around, hands full with beer mugs.

"I'm impressed by your handiwork." The commander chuckles as he and Hipper each take a mug and start drinking.

"Would you like me to demonstrate for you when we get back to your office?" Eugen giggles, and the commander immediately spits out his beer and starts choking.

"Commander!" Bismarck suddenly shouts, but the commander shakily puts a hand up as he recollects himself.

"Well..." The commander says between coughs. "You're certainly back to your normal self..."

"Well at least I'm glad for that." Bismarck says as Eugen heads over to other tables, all the while laughing her head off.

"Ah~ That was absolutely priceless!" Eugen guffaws as she serves other tables.

"But did she really have to say something like that?" The commander asks as he coughs again.

"There's no stopping her honestly." Hipper replies as she downs the whole mug before biting into her schweinshaxe and ripping off a hunk of it like a hungry boar.

"Goodness Hipper, mind your manners." Tirpitz says.

"What? It's good!" Hipper replies.

"I'd just let it be." The commander chuckles as he continues to eat his lamb stew and the sisters start eating the rouladen. Finally Eugen joins the group at the table and then proceeds to plop herself on the commander's lap again. "Eugen... Did you forget what happened last time?"

"Nope." Eugen giggles.

"At least these ones are more durable." Bismarck says, remembering what happened that day.

"Yeah, at least..." The commander trails off as he looks at his lamb stew, out of reach with the heavy cruiser in his lap.

"Would you like me to feed it to you?" Eugen giggles as she takes the lamb stew and touches a spoonful to the commander's lips. Not wanting to make any further of a scene the commander begrudgingly accepts, and Bismarck diverts her eyes away. That's when the entire Ironblood base is rocked by a mighty explosion and everyone gets on their feet to rush outside and see what happened.

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